Interview: Bridgeport, CT Rapper Lil_E Discusses His New Project "PaperCha$er The Mixtape"
Shoutout to rap artist Lil_E who connected with DCWS for an exclusive interview to talk about his project "PaperCha$er The Mixtape", the rap scene in Bridgeport, CT, and much more.
“I need them to know my message is real. My life is a divine story that the world gotta hear about and where I’m from gave me the heart to take it to the top.”
Who are some of your favorite rap artists that have provided you with inspiration throughout the years?
DAMN idk where to start! Lil Wayne, Lloyd Banks, Fab, Juelz, Jeezy, Jay Z, J. Cole, Meek, Wiz, Mac Miller, A$AP Rocky, and Nipsey HU$$LE!
Congratulations on the completion and release of your new project "PaperCha$er The Mixtape"; describe your creative process for the development of its 13 tracks.
Thanks! That means a lot coming from you guys, and the process was a real journey to be honest.
I've had the idea to release this mixtape since the summer of 2015 when I was 18 I just wasn't rapping too much then. That's because from then until now the creation of this mixtape was a REAL mission I had to work towards which meant constant editing and revising, reconsidering the sound of the tape at least 2 tmes, testing out different covers and even halting the whole process due to financial reasons.
That's why I could truly say during the creation of this mixtape a lot of my time was spent hustling all through the streets of my city and filling out applications to work at just about anywhere because in the back of my head I've always known RAP to be business which is why even back in 2015 until 2018 I've been spending money on recording the mixtape.
By the summer of 2017 it was 65% done because at that point I was locked in and satisfied with what I had so far. I used 2018 to really focus on my money and record a little bit less but write way MORE. By the end of the year the mixtape was done and I was gearing up to push the brand all through 2019. Which is why I dropped a EP in March of that year, spent the summer dropping a lot of bangers on SoundCloud, and talked about the tape all over social media.
Who provided the production on the project, and would you say that it had an overall theme?
I connected with several producers on YouTube and Twitter to put this project together. Plus I definitely did have a theme on this project. I say that because the PaperCHASE is bigger than money for me. It has to do with my lifestyle, vision, brand, and my overall message. That's cause in my eyes life is a book and every day you wake up is another page added to that book, but as an artist I know I'm the master of my reality. My goal is to get the world to see the same.
How would you describe the rap scene in Bridgeport? Are there a lot of venues to perform at and are locals supportive of homegrown talent?
There actually isn't one but we have a great amount of talent in different parts of the city. It’s a few but not all of them do open mics all the time and yeah people out here are definitely picky, but yet very supportive of rappers where I'm from lol!
With the mixtape now released, what's next for you musically? Can we expect any videos from the project?
I'm working on my next mixtape right now; it's halfway done! No date yet but I definitely know what my next release is going to be and yeah out of the 13 tracks on here I'm def doing 'bout 6-7 for the culture!
Through your music, what do you want your listeners to know about you as an artist and where you are from?
I need them to know my message is real. My life is a divine story that the world gotta hear about and where I'm from gave me the heart to take it to the top.
Connect with Lil_E: Facebook
Review: “Rhythm and Vybes: Book 2 Side” Album by xDMWDx
Trenton, NJ duo @xDMWDx sculpt infectious anthems on the tender inviting sound of their new album “Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side”. Read our in-depth review of the project now.
Trenton, NJ duo xDMWDx sculpt infectious anthems on the tender inviting sound of “Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side”. R&B and hip-hop, all within a pop framework go for a strong sense of purpose. The loveliness works wonders for their delivery has a power to it, and much care and compassion run through the collection.
A lush, luxurious approach simply washes over the listener for xDMWDx’s ear for melody proves to be unparalleled. By adding layer upon layer into the mix, things become delightfully ornate resulting in some gorgeous moments. Vocals go for the right amount of passion and fire for there is a yearning that reigns supreme over the album’s six songs.
The gentle spirit and reflection recall early Kanye West. With the swagger heavily in tow, the songs burst forth in such colorful highly detailed ways. Full of such a thoughtfulness to them they all perfectly come together to accurately depict a life lived to the absolute fullest. A hybrid approach and the insistence upon a more pop oriented focus also draws from those Southern rap innovators Outkast, for their influence emerges in small yet significant ways, from the hook-laden choruses to the laid-back mellowed grooves. The duo’s deliveries at times also have the effortless cool of Q-Tip.
“Go Getter” starts the album off with kinetic energy. Various jumpy percussion skitters about while the piece has a compact, joyous attitude. Neon-hued glowing synthesizers weave themselves on the communal fervor of “Mamacita”. The grandeur of “Ain’t Gon Lie” serves as the highlight. Deserving to be blasted at the highest possible volume there is a physicality to it, with the bass running through with an emotional impact.
The tropical flavored “In2u” resonates as a sundrenched, summery jam. Here the sound has a playfulness to it. “Murder By A Masterpiece” delves into a jazzy inflection for the piece unfurls at its own pace. Slowing things down, “Unrequited (Frozen Emotion)” brings things to a stylish, soothing close with a fantastic finale as the kaleidoscopic color delves into a cinematic flavor.
xDMWDx’s “Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side” project displays an impressive storytelling ability, featuring some fresh flows and wonderful character studies. We can’t wait for the third release of this album series!
Stream and Share “Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side” on Spotify
Interview: Venice, CA Artist Osmunda Music Talks About Her New Album "Sending My Love"
We connected with Venice, CA based artist @OsmundaMusic to discuss her newly released album "Sending My Love", "grateful" music video, and much more.
“My family, friends & spiritual leaders around the world are the humans that I look to for inspiration. My intention for this album was to bring forth positivity for anyone struggling during these times.”
What are some things, people and places that inspire your creativity when you are working on new music?
My family, friends & spiritual leaders around the world are the humans that I look to for inspiration. My intention for this album was to bring forth positivity for anyone struggling during these times.
Congratulations on the completion and release of “Sending My Love” album; what was your creative process for its development, and how long did it take to complete?
The first song that I wrote for the album was ‘golden light’ and it was the only one done before the lockdown. It was done at my studio in Venice – Earthstar Creation Center. Shortly after that, the lockdown began and from my makeshift, home studio, I began the “one song per week” approach that eventually birthed “Sending My Love”.
I would create simple chants, with minimal lyrics (far more minimal than my usual songs) and equally minimal accompaniment & then send them off to my co-creator John X Volaitis – often, I would send him the tracks on Wednesday & he would be done by Friday – a challenge to minimalist & beautiful production. The entire process took about 3 ½ months.
Who directed the music video for “grateful”, and how did you come up with its treatment in terms of the imagery and themes?
My co-creator John X Volaitis has been making all of the videos for this series. Usually, it’s a simple collage of positivity, classic spiritual symbolism, abstract art and/or just pretty images. As one might guess, making the videos during the lockdown was a bit tricky as it was a bit more difficult to go out live and shoot fresh footage for each one. Much of it is done with “found footage”.
For the “grateful” video, instead of creating a classic lyric video, he instead chose to say ‘thank you” in a multitude of languages. I have fans all over the world, so he thought it might be sweet to send them a more personal message.
With the album now released, what are some of your goals musically for the last few months of this year?
Prior to the lockdown, I had just started putting together a different collection of songs for what would have been my third album. Now that “sending my love” has been released into the Multiverse, I am already in the process of preparing what will be my as yet unnamed fourth album.
In what ways would you say that “Sending My Love” is different than your last album “Munda”?
Actually, “Sending My Love” is my 3rd album.
“Munda” was created as a tribute to our beautiful, feminine Mother Earth. The whole album was based on my personal journey while I was out traveling the world. It is definitely more of an organic album, with the participation of many of my extremely talented friends.
Then came “Love Will Overcome”, which began my experimentation with urban & electronica genres. There’s a bit more of a social justice/human rights theme to this album. The ideas that we are all connected & can be showing empathy for each other are a constant theme. By the time I had begun creating this album, the world was becoming ever so much more turbulent, so this was my natural response.
Stream and Share “Sending My Love” on Spotify
Connect with Osmunda Music: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
Review: “Papercha$er The Mixtape” by Lil_E
Bridgeport, CT based rapper Lil_E holds nothing back on the urgency of “Papercha$er The Mixtape”. Narratives are drawn directly from his life helping to give the collection a unique highly personal vision.
Bridgeport, CT based rapper Lil_E holds nothing back on the urgency of “Papercha$er The Mixtape”. Narratives are drawn directly from his life helping to give the collection a unique highly personal vision. His delivery has an intensity to it with details that convey a strong sense of urgency. A sense of yearning and desire for something better propels the tracks forward. Clear eyed focus feels poignant as he captures that a swagger to want more and to try to get it.
On top of this comes the production itself: crisp, clean, with heavy emphasis on an old-school hip-hop quality. Samples go for a nostalgic aura for they convey so much depth. Bass rumbles and the crisp percussion further adds to the sense of a fully-fleshed out sound.
With few comparable contemporary rappers, Lil_E chooses a distinctly old-school set of references. For his most passionate performances, he draws from Wu-Tang at the height of their powers, even exploring the concept of money as a thing of conflict. Going deeper, his low-key swagger and thoughtful word choice reflects upon the East Coast spirit of Biggie Smalls with a tact that conveys a similarly structured sort of playfulness at times, alongside heavier themes woven into the overall tapestry.
“Intro” sets the tone of what follows with an anthemic tact. An early highlight comes from the highly detailed description of “Tryin’ EAT” where a sense of desperation is captured perfectly. Layer upon layer of sound intermingles on the gargantuan “16 BARS”. Going for a clear reflective stance is the thoughtfulness of “DEAD Presidents Freestyle”.
The heaviness of “DREAM$” goes for a sense of purpose for the whole of the track constantly builds up more and more. Wild, freeform verses cascade down with the kaleidoscopic “U Know”. Stripped down to the essentials is the spaciousness of “It’s LIT” where the bass hits with a sheer force of nature quality. “Everything I Had” chooses a jazz-like tact incorporating a great deal of lush sound into the mix. Bringing everything to a gorgeous conclusion is the triumphant “Outro”.
“Papercha$er The Mixtape” shows off Lil_E’s impressive fiery flows, with lyricism and storytelling that lingers long after it has ended.
Stream and Share “Papercha$er The Mixtape” on Soundcloud
Interview: Trenton, NJ Duo xDMWDx Discuss Their New Album "Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side"
We connected with Trenton, NJ based duo @xDMWDx for an exclusive interview to discuss their incredible, recently released project "Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side", and much more.
“Time and circumstances brought us from four members to two. We needed a new name to fit this new direction, so we settled on xDMWDx. A name that we thought encapsulated both our personal and creative ideals.”
What initially compelled you to form the musical duo xDMWDx and do you remember the first song that you recorded? If so, describe that experience for us.
xDMWDx is the evolution of our original group, DBA, which consisted of four members. The two of us have always been close, being raised in the same house. Music was just there all the time.
Time and circumstances brought us from four members to two. We needed a new name to fit this new direction, so we settled on xDMWDx. A name that we thought encapsulated both our personal and creative ideals.
We've done so many songs together it's hard to remember the first one. You're talking about some time in 2005 or 2006. We just like to approach each song as if it's our first.
If you had to describe xDMWDx's music to a stranger in three words, which ones would you select?
Anything. Can. Happen.
Congratulations on the completion and release of the "Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side" album; tell us about your creative process during the development of its six songs.
Thank you. We like to start every project by immersing ourselves in whichever type of music we're aiming to make. Just to try to get into the mood of what we wanted to bring to this chapter of the Rhythm & Vybes series. After that it's beat selection and brainstorming. Allowing the beats to speak us and listening to understand rather than respond.
Using past experience as well as intuition in the writing process is one of the most important things we've learned during our 15+ years in music. So, Book 2 draws a lot from our past relationships and you can hear the authenticity in the work.
What are some things that inspire your creativity when working on new music?
Listening to what we consider good music. That is energetic, soulful, thought provoking, and pioneering music. Life's experiences always provide ample inspiration for us. Also, the idea of leaving our mark in the world broadens our imagination and enhances our creativity.
With Rhythm & Vybes each Book pulls from different inspirations. So for Book 2, we listened to a lot of Kid Cudi, Drake, T-Pain, Andre 3000, Maleek Berry, J. Cole and Jay-Z. Each giving different vibes, if you will, while collectively forming a rhythm which became Book 2.
How did you decide to develop the "Rhythm & Vybes" album series and are there songs that you have worked on that will not make the four album track lists? If so, why?
Following the success of our sophomore project “9 Ball”, we were searching for our next inspiration and in one of our many brainstorming sessions, we thought about the idea of doing four albums in one year. We wanted to give people a ton of new music, but we didn't want it to be the conventional full length album or an extremely long double disc.
As far as song selection, we decided on the 6 song structure before we began working on the music. So some songs and concepts were left on the table, but any creative knows what that feels like. It was tough deciding on which 6 would make it, but we believe this is the best of the best.
Stream and Share "Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side" on: Spotify | Soundcloud
Connect with xDMWDx: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
You Should Be Using The Editframe Multimedia Creation Tool Suite
@editframe is a multimedia creation tool suite that allows any artist of any skill level to easily create audio videos to tease or promote new music. Check out our in-depth overview of the platform now!
As an independent artist myself, I know it’s challenging to find ways to self-promote that are as cost-effective as they are stylish. Have you seen that trend on Instagram where artists are previewing new tracks on a black or white background with a simple audio visualizer instead of glossy cover art? If you were wondering how to get this done, you too can accomplish this look with Editframe.
Editframe is a multimedia creation tool suite that allows any artist of any skill level to easily create audio videos to tease or promote new music. Heck, you could even become a meme-master extraordinaire! The interface is very simple and straight to the point, leaving no room for mistakes. All one has to do is begin by clicking on the video creator and uploading cover art (optional) or a video and the song.
There are options to choose the aspect ratio for your project along with social media platform references to better aid you in your choice, for example one could select 1:1 (Instagram Feed), 9:16 (Instagram & Facebook Stories) or even 5:4 (Twitter).
Once you’ve uploaded your media you can add simple text to your video creation. You can choose the length of your video which is ideal for a short teaser, an Instagram story or a full video using a still on YouTube. The free account allows you storage for 10 video projects which is pretty generous, but do consider that the Editframe logo will appear in your video.
There are some options for paid plans which I would recommend if you find that you’re really impressed by the service. The most inexpensive plan offers users storage of 50 videos, the ability to create videos in HD, the option to make hour-long videos and of course no watermark. The next two packages offer the same features, just in larger quantities.
As an artist you’ll always have something to promote so it’s wise to invest in an app that will allow you to create continuous content with the same aesthetic. The best way to decide if Editframe is for you is to get a free account and give it a try. Get creative!
Connect with Editframe: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
Review: "Darrell" Album by Mitch Darrell
As a whole, “Darrell” is @MitchDarrell_ most well-conceived and well-assembled record in his discography thus far – and easily his best! The production, guest features and lack of filler help sustain the momentum of the album within its 14-track runtime…
“Darrell” is the latest album from Raleigh, North Carolina-based Christian rapper Mitch Darrell. Prior to listening to this album, I checked out three of his earlier projects: 2016’s “Black Skin Colorless Soul”, 2017’s “My Experience” and 2019’s “Dreadhead Lando” (arguably the weakest of the three).
With Mitch’s new album, what impressed me from the jump was his wordplay, which has gotten considerably better since “Dreadhead Lando”. On “Mitch is Back”, he delivers a confident and purposeful first impression to both first-time and experienced listeners over a silky smooth, jazzy instrumental. Even on the delightful cypher “Rappity Rap” featuring Kody Free, Weez the Satellite Kiid and Joe Ayinde, Mitch shows that even amongst his peers, he can still be a formidable rapper.
Mitch also explores his Christianity and usage of rap as an outlet for mental and spiritual self-expression. On “No Turning Back Now” and “If I Die” respectively, Mitch raps about his imperfect yet spiritually necessary journey as a Christian, and his assurance that he will make it to Heaven once that journey has ended. On “Stuck”, he addresses his mental health, revealing that the anti-anxiety medication he continually takes leaves him depressed as a side effect. Though music is a successful cure to this depression, he questions the value of his musical output and overall rapping career on the following track “Give up my Dream”.
He even explores his own identity as an African American on the songs “I Wanna Quit” and “Black & Proud”, though in an appropriately narrow and broad focus respectively. The former, where Mitch expresses his loathing of his 9-to-5, hints that any chance at a higher position will most likely be hindered by his ethnicity. The latter is a joyous celebration of Black Pride, with its triumphant hook, upbeat instrumental (which switches to an EARGASMIC, G-funk-esque beat in the second half) and passionate performances by Mitch and guest rappers Montythehokage and James Gardin.
As a whole, “Darrell” is Mitch’s most well-conceived and well-assembled record in his discography thus far – and easily his best! The production, guest features and lack of filler help sustain the momentum of the album within its 14-track runtime and thematically, it’s guaranteed to stay with you long after you’ve heard it. If you’re a fan of conscious and/or Christian hip hop, this is an absolute must-listen!
Stream and Share “Darrell” on Spotify
Review: "King's Disease" Album by Nas
Check out our in-depth review of the incredible new album “King’s Disease” by @Nas
The intro track to the album is a fearless anthem for the BLM movement, as it much of this album. People may have considered “Illmatic” to be his true comeback, but other Nas fans will find that this is where he truly shines.
While a lot of rappers are out here taking shots at each other and producing diss tracks a la Eminem and Machine Gun Kelly, Kings disease isn’t a refreshing reminder that we can all have success and use it to uplift each other rather than tear each other down.
Lines that give us goosebumps include: “You should want every brother to make it out But brothers want trophies, they troll for clout” and “You a king, you will be next to me, doing your own king shit, most definitely”
The lines encourage us to rise above gang culture, above social media culture , and above anything that promotes toxic forms of or comparison or masculinity. Much of this whole album feels like a big bro pep talk to the new era of rappers, instructing them to support their brothers rather than breeding animosity.
The transition into “Blue Benz” is flawless, and takes us straight to Queens, New York with a beat that hits and an ice cold Nas flow, his words like velvet as they explore debauchery and wild women.
"Replace Me” uses auto-tune the way it was intended, softens the track up along with a piano back beat. Nas spits, “That kid alright but I’m a kryptonite another type,“ leaving us pitying the next man that follows up a date with Nas - even if it’s with Big Sean or Toliver, who haven’t yet graduated to the throne. This track transforms the new school artists on it to old school, and that melodic, crooning chorus makes it even more addictive.
The lead single, “Ultra Black” is a celebration of Black physical beauty, like “Grace Jones skin tone, but multi that/Multiple colors, we come in all shades, mocha Black” and Black like “cornrows, afros” and it’s equally a tribute to black excellence and achievements, as Nas reflects on “Black like Kaep' blackballed from the Superbowls (Colin)”
Things cool down again with “All Bad” featuring Anderson Paak. This one has a chilled out and jazzy drum flow that permeates much of the album. The production choices feel like an homage of the mosaic of Black culture that led to hip hop, including jazz, blues, and soul.
Full circle features a round up of rappers that each murder their verse with ease. It’s especially exciting to see a comeback from foxy brown. It’s not all Lil Mosey and Bad Bhabie, for those of you who feel doomed. Biggie and Pac might be ghosts now, but their spirits live in Nas, a time capsule that manages to update itself and stay relevant time and time again. During this extremely bizzare time in the world, we’re facing an opportunity for rebirth, and this album is a sure symbol of that hope and optimism.
“10 Points” is another piece of brotherly advice that explores the judgement of Black celebs in the media, and reminds us “we all need knowledge instead of sneakers.“ It hits us with thought-provoking lines about materialism, where Nas pleads with us to remove the hype and re-focus.
Stream and Share “King’s Disease” on Spotify
Interview: Rapper/Producer Libsey Talks About His New Song "Waave" and the Whooshie Gang
Big ups to New Bedford, MA based rapper and producer @libseydageneral who connected with DCWS for an exclusive interview to discuss his new track "Waave", which will appear on his upcoming album "D.R.E.A.M. 3", due in November, and much more.
““D.R.E.A.M. 3” is a whole collection of different sounds, emotions, and moments that exemplifies the past year. I can’t say there is a song that sounds like “Waave”, but I’m sure there will be a few instant classics on the project.”
What are some things that inspire your creativity when developing new music as both an artist and producer?
Can I be honest? Weed, Pokémon, LSD, and obscure movies from the 80s and older. With Pokémon, there's so many different combinations of teams, and so many different techniques you can utilize. Same with rap: you can figure out different combinations of words or phrases, learn a new technique to maybe rap faster.
With the obscure movies, sometimes you just hear a sound that catches your ear and you think "I've never heard this before, has anybody ever sampled it?" You can find inspiration in the strangest places.
Speaking of your production, what software/hardware do you use to create beats?
To be truthful, I just find royalty-free loops online and smash'em together on some old-school Kanye shit lol. I use BandLab for everything; it's available on phones and on the computer. Haven't actually recorded in a real studio in about 3 years because of it. I literally have full control at all times.
We're huge fans of your new track "Waave"; tell us what motivated you to write and record the song. Also, did you write the lyrics after you made the beat or vice versa?
I tend to make a lot of beats all at once, or over a period of a few days, for me to go back to after. The night I made the beat for "Waave", I was kind of feeling uninspired and wasn't kind of second-guessing some things. I started to make the beat, and I just had this overwhelming sensation to just make a statement. And that statement, more or less, was to trust myself and keep going; I'm causing a "waave" lol.
Is "Waave" indicative of what can we expect from your upcoming album "D.R.E.A.M. 3" from a sonic and thematic standpoint?
"D.R.E.A.M. 3" is a whole collection of different sounds, emotions, and moments that exemplifies the past year. I can't say there is a song that sounds like "Waave", but I'm sure there will be a few instant classics on the project.
Can we expect a music video for "Waave" or another song from the upcoming album?
I don't have a video planned for "Waave", but I do have a video dropping September 30th for the song "Hood Favorite", which will be on the album as well.
The video was shot by Still Ill Productions, out of New Bedford, and they did an AWESOME job with the video. I'm too excited, because although I've released over 10 projects in the past 3 years, this will be my first official music video release.
Tell us about Whooshie Gang, the rap collective you are the CEO and co-founder of. Who are the members and what are your goals?
I'm going to do this in list form, make it easier:
- First off we have my right hand man, basically who's in charge if I'm not around, we got the homie D Rose. Awesome singing voice, our song "2020 Vision" was a banger and a half.
- Next up, we have my little cousin Nick Milia. And don't let "little cousin" fool you: he's taller than me, and has a better flow than most his age. We have multiple collaborations in the books, as well as a new collab on "D.R.E.A.M. 3".
- Next is DeTH (aka Stuart Little). I met him through my cousin Nick, and let me tell you: when I say this kid can rap, he can fuckin RAP. The day I met him, I immediately had him write a verse for a beat I made. That track was one of the first tracks made for my last album, "D.R.E.A.M. Still".
- Now we have Carr. Maaaaaaan, give him a beat (or a few), and he will go off the top for as long as you let him. He can rap for days, and can flow better than the Nile. Close personal friend of mine, happy he can be apart of this ride.
- Then we have the homie Ko$her. You wanna hear fast raps? He'll make your head spin faster than the little girl in The Exorcist. We've also got a couple collabs in the books, with plenty more on the way.
- And last, but certainly not least, we have f.I.N. Producer on Whooshie Gang, f.I.N. has insanely melodic beats at his disposal, with a vast knowledge of music.
Whooshie Gang is a collective of artists who just wanna make music that they want to hear. The industry sucks, the radio is trash. We just wanna make music we'd listen to. And if people don't like the music? Fuck'em, we literally didn't make it for you anyway lol. We made it for us, and the people who do fuck with us. Our goals? Same thing we do every night, Pinky: try and take over the world.
Connect with Libsey: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Linktree
Adam Hender Announces His Debut Album "Sick", Out Oct 30th
@adamhendermusic has announced the release of his debut album "Sick", out October 30th via 3tone Records. Marking the announcement Adam has released a teaser of the forthcoming single and title track out on September 4th.
Adam Hender has announced the release of his debut album “Sick”, out October 30th via 3tone Records. Marking the announcement Adam has released a teaser of the forthcoming single and title track out on September 4th; watch it below.
Adam’s forthcoming debut album mixes sincere songwriting with electrifying melodies. “I like to think what I talk about is real,” explains Adam, “I don't ever write something that I don't believe, because people know if it's fake.”
Sick has been written between his North Wales hometown Llandudno, as well as Sweden, London and Los Angeles. It is structured in a plot which tells personal stories of love and loss with heartbreaking honesty.
Adam’s talent for beautiful pop songwriting was first revealed last summer, releasing a string of singles which feature on the album including ‘Don’t Wake Me Up’, ‘One Chance’, ‘Burn’ and ‘I Don't Mind’.
They have clocked up well over a million streams on Spotify, and over 700K plays for the latter alone. They have seen Adam repeatedly featured in Radio 1’s ‘Best New Pop’, achieve acclaim from the likes of Wonderland and Clash Magazine among others, and most recently seen him announced as Tidal’s ‘Rising Artist’ for 2020.
Adam has become a major live draw in his homeland, selling thousands of tickets, while his perfect pop hooks and heart-wrenching lyrics see him set to become the first Welsh pop breakthrough artist for some time.
“A lot of music has come out of Wales, including classics like Tom Jones, but not recently,” says Adam, on putting it back on the chart music map, “I’m not doing it for Wales exactly, but for the people who live there.”
His bold songwriting and breathtaking vocals are sure to see Adam solidify the cherished support of his hometown and win the hearts of many more with the release of his debut album Sick as he cements himself as a distinct new UK voice in 2020.
Pre-order “Sick”:
Interview: Bellingham, WA’s Jostaberry Discusses His New Animated Music Video "Mountain Song"
We connected with Bellingham, WA based musician Bruce Hamilton aka Jostaberry aka Skiks for an exclusive Q&A to discuss his music video for “Mountain Song”, his new album “Greener Grass”, and much more.
“Skiks is purely instrumental/electronic music and Jostaberry is art rock with vocals, though the latter might also end up with instrumental tracks, in which case it may depend on any surrounding album projects, in terms of best fit.”
What are some things that inspire your creativity when working on new music?
It can be anything, but I certainly have listened to a lot of music that’s excited me and influenced what I want to do myself. Honestly sometimes it’s just time limitations that force me to get working. The creativity is always there; it’s the decisions that are hard, and all the problem solving that makes up a large part of composing.
When you are developing a new song, how do you determine whether it will end up under your moniker Jostaberry or Skiks?
Skiks is purely instrumental/electronic music and Jostaberry is art rock with vocals, though the latter might also end up with instrumental tracks, in which case it may depend on any surrounding album projects, in terms of best fit. Some tracks end up released under my own name anyway.
Congratulations on the completion and release of your debut album "Greener Grass"; what are you most proud of with this new project?
Thanks! For one thing, I’ve been wanting to do an album like this for a long time, so I’m glad I finally stepped up. Also, I believe every track has unique aspects, whether harmony, phrase structure, form, or sound combinations. I realize novelty may not matter to other listeners, but it was a central concern for me.
Regarding your incredible animated music video for "Mountain Song", directed by Ryan Rothaus, how did you connect with him and why did you select the song to create a visual for?
I met Ryan when he was doing live visuals for an experimental microtonal show I played in Bellingham with my son in February, opening for Carl Stone. I wanted to work with a local artist for videos and CD design, so I checked out his portfolio online and was blown away.
I chose “OK Recliner” for one video as it’s one of the more experimental songs on the record, a nice match for his surrealistic art. I decided “Mountain Song” would be a more accessible track for a second video, and that its psychedelic sound could be enhanced with trippy visuals. Ryan ended up using some components of the “Mountain Song” video for the album cover art.
With "Greener Grass" now released, what are some of your goals musically for the rest of 2020?
Presently I’m finishing up a short video piece featuring clips from over 20 percussionists around the world. I also have a project with NYC choreographer Liz Gerring that was postponed…maybe we’ll have a premiere next spring, but in any event there’s a lot of electronic music to complete for that.
There’s a Skiks album in the works for late 2020: leftover tracks and a few new things to create. Finally, I’m psyched to do more with Jostaberry, as there were some songs I decided to put on hold. I also want to do more collaborations on the next album, which might be more focused than the first. Maybe a touring band will be put together when we get through the pandemic.
Review: "Here For Now" Album by Louis the Child
Louis the Child released their latest album ‘Here for Now’ earlier this summer. This album creates this energy and nature of the feeling of arrival, or coming into existence: a welcoming. Welcoming humans. As if our earth was starting over again.
Louis the Child (Robby Hauldren and Freddy Kennett) released their latest album ‘Here for Now’ on June 26th; a 14-song track list. It’s crazy. This album creates this energy and nature of the feeling of arrival, or coming into existence: a welcoming. Welcoming humans. As if our earth was starting over again.
‘Here For Now’ plays out like a How-to-Human simulation for dummies of the 21st century. Teaching humans how to live presently, how to be a person, and how to navigate love. Some seemingly simple attributes to being a characteristically good person.
The whole album embodies this theme, but we’ll narrow it down to the 3 major songs that explore these ideals; starting with Track 4: “Little Things”.
“Little Things”, produced beautifully by the amazingly talented Jon Bellion, and brought to life with vocals from Chelsea Cutler and Quinn XCII (team visionary music group’s greatest). The first lesson of this guide: how to live presently. “Little Things”…A song about appreciating, just that.
“And there will be come when a time when we’re slowin’ down
We’ll hold onto memories, memories
‘Til then, let’s wreck shit and hold it down”
It’s simple. All we have to do is, SLOW DOWN, as humans were so focused on What’s next? What’s trending? Who’s doing what? And Who’s going where? A reminder to live in the moment, and not worry about what’s going to happen next.
Then, at the end of the song you have this beautiful outro:
It’s like the professor at the end of class “okay, class you are free to go! But just remember…”
“Every single second is golden
Hold on to the moment
Hold on to the moment”
It’s such pure advice. It’s just the little things...
Now, that you have mastered the concept of gratitude, you will now learn the ins-and-outs of being a person and feeling emotions with Track 7: “Don’t Mind”. What this track does, is it explores the ideas of pressure, and feeling the need to exist for something or someone else. It’s a conversation with yourself. Hearing all of the stressors and then reacting positively to it. This song teaches you how to take care of yourself when you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.
You hear the outside world telling you:
“Don’t mind
Don’t waste no time
Don’t make no lie
Don’t break no promises”
You hear the entire world just telling you “Don’t”. So, what do you do?
Just take a step back and tell yourself, all you have to do is:
“ [Try] to get to brighter days
You don't have to feel okay
It's okay
No you don't have to try
To try, to try to change it”
And! …
“No you don't have to wear
All these faces ”
*deep breath* and let it go.
The next challenge of the simulation is a much harder one to grasp: love.
Track 9: Get Together.
“We've got to get ourselves together
Like what's it gonna be?”
I think that the lesson here is embedded; open to interpretation. Because, can you actually teach someone how to love? Sure. Maybe, but I think the lesson here is that sometimes you just have to let the love run its course. And that’s it. That’s all you can do.
Louis the Child uses this album to shine light on some of the intricacies of the human existence, that often (too often), get overshadowed. Appropriately titled “Here For Now”, a reminder to all of us humans that we are literally only here… for now. We only borrow time on this planet, so let’s not waste it and at least try to be better.
Louis the Child starts the album with what I picture as a spaceship preparing to arrive on a new planet... and ends with Track 14: “Fade Away”. A full circle apparatus of our lives. This song is a celebration. Because, we did it, and at the end of our time on our earth, when we cease to exist on this planet, what will happen to us?
Stream and Share “Here For Now” on Spotify
Interview: Experimental Electronic Pop Artist Caleb Hurst Talks About His New Single/Video "love is over", Feat. logan
Major thanks to Los Angeles based experimental electronic pop music artist/producer @CalebHurst34 who connected with DCWS for an exclusive interview to discuss his new single/video "love is over", and much more.
“...Working solo is kind of a double edged sword. You have total freedom, which I certainly do appreciate, but it’s also totally up to you to get things done. ”
How would you compare the experience as a music creator on your own as a solo artist, to that of when you were in the band The Honeysticks?
A band dynamic is of course much different than being a solo artist. I learned a lot in my time with The Honeysticks. It taught me a lot about the industry, music itself and helped me understand myself more. It was super valuable to be able to bounce ideas off other people. Working collaboratively is cool because the finished product is always something that would have been different if you had made it on your own.
But at the same time you can't necessarily do whatever you want because it's a group effort. So working solo is kind of a double edged sword. You have total freedom, which I certainly do appreciate, but it's also totally up to you to get things done. And that can be really hard at times especially if you tend to procrastinate like me. But I do think I've been getting more comfortable with all the responsibilities of working solo and I've been finding my artistic voice as an individual which is critical.
Congratulations on your new single and video "love is over"; tell us about your creative process for the song itself and how you connected with logan, who is featured on it.
Thank you! Logan Beckham is one of my closest friends. We're both from Katy, Texas and have known each other since we were really young. I was actually best friends with his older sister Carly growing up and then he and I got close in high school.
Last year we were living with each other here in Los Angeles and that's when "love is over" began. He had come up with this guitar loop and was experimenting with these pitched up vocals that I liked a lot. I added some synth parts and drum machines to the ones he had already made and wrote another verse for it and we kinda just kept going back and forth with it, writing and producing little by little.
Toward the end of last year Logan moved back to Texas. I kept editing it after he left and eventually brought it to Bruce Wiegner who finalized the mix. Bruce and I had worked together earlier in 2020 on a ridiculous song called "Now I'm a Baby" with my friends Garrett Watts and Andrew Siwicki. That song was made in less than 24 hours and seeing him work on that made me confident that he would be able to carry "love is over" to the finish line.
Regarding the video, describe the experience directing it with Jacob Bottorff and Ruby Westkaemper at your apartment complex.
So Logan had actually directed and edited my first two music videos, "Borrow Your Gun" and "(Baby) Blue" and I definitely wanted him to be involved with this one but when the pandemic started I realized there wasn't going to be an easy way to do that since we're in different states now. But my amazing girlfriend Ruby and I moved in together recently and we started brainstorming what we could shoot just within our apartment complex.
We have a pool so I bought a waterproof phone case and started conceptualizing. To me, the song is moody and existential while simultaneously being kinda fun. So I wanted the video to lean into the melodrama at times but then switch gears and not take itself seriously. And Jacob Bottorff, who I've known for many years, offered to be a part of it which I'm so thankful for because he has a great eye and is super creative. He's also a very talented editor and he was able to cut a portion of the video for me which was a relief because I was literally learning how to use Premiere as I was editing this video.
You started with "All of Your Love", and are releasing a new song and music video each month. What compelled you to start this regiment and what can we expect next month?
All of the songs I've released so far, I was intending on putting on an 8 song album called "It's Not Me, It's Me." But I think the vision for that project was holding me back in a sense because... well I was just overthinking it all really.
I was getting into my head and struggling to bring any of the songs to a finished state. And then one day I was venting all of these frustrations to my friend Julia Nunes. She and her music partner Chase Burnett have been doing this whole "song and video each month" thing since the beginning of the year. And after listening to me complain and run into mental roadblocks she essentially said something like "You're thinking too much. No one cares. Just focus on one song at a time and start putting them out." And I was like "Damn. That's exactly what I needed to hear."
So I just followed suit and decided to release one each month. It can be daunting because the pressure's on to finish in time but it also somehow creates a lot of freedom because you can't really allow yourself to overthink anything. I think it's helping me detach from the results too. If people respond positively to something then great! But if not who cares? I'm gonna keep making things and learning along the way and getting better.
August's song is called "Create." It's partially inspired by a book called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. It's about the creative struggle and the spiritual side to being an artist.
So is the “It’s Not Me, It’s Me” album no longer happening?
"It's Not Me, It's Me" definitely meant something to me as a whole. I was originally wanting these songs to be heard in a certain order and to tell a certain story and I would love for people to still be able to experience them that way.
Recently I've been thinking of putting it out as its own project later, after most of the songs are released as singles. So at that point I guess it would be more of a compilation album. But I've never released anything on vinyl and I think that would be a cool thing to do a limited release of at some point. We'll see.
Interview: DCWS Gets to Know Melbourne Hip-Hop Duo Headlines
Stimulated Media and @stimulateursoul founder Maggie Tra connected with Melbourne hip-hop duo Headlines for an exclusive interview to pick their brains about their new release “Stepped On”, and much more.
Headlines are a Melbourne based hip hop duo consisting of MC and prolific freestyler Aye One and MC/Producer dstnce. They have been writing and recording songs together since 2015, and recently released their new single “Stepped On”.
Stimulated Media and Stimulate Your Soul founder Maggie Tra connected with Headlines for an exclusive interview to pick their brains about their new release, what’s next, and much more.
Tell us about your latest release and what inspired it?
It’s just a fun, dusty, chopped up jam about taking on adversity and naysayers and telling them where to go.
How did you first start in the music industry?
We released our first EP about a year and half ago. Since then we’ve been doing any and every show we can and working on heaps of new tunes.
What are you working on next?
Our second record; we're hoping to have it ready to go by the end of the year.
What advice would you give others?
Don’t sweat the small shit.
If you could collaborate with anyone who would it be?
It would be dope to rock a DJ Premier beat.
What’s your favourite studio snack?
Usually some zataar and pizzas from the Lebanese bakery and couple beers to go with it.
Southampton, UK Rapper Amaru Muru Drops His EP "New Levels"
@lovemademuru is a Southampton, UK based rap artist who just released his EP, “New Levels”. Listen to this DOPE project now!
Amaru Muru is a Southampton, UK based rap artist who just released his EP, “New Levels”, which was recorded in his own studio (Lovemade Studios) and produced, mixed and mastered by MCK. The high level of production and smooth rap vocals along side catchy choruses should really have the listeners hooked.
If you are a fan of Drake, Giggs, Krept or Konan then you will definitely enjoy “New Levels”, so listen to it now, stream it on Spotify and connect with Amaru Muru on his social media. Hang close to DCWS because our exclusive interview with Amaru Muru is coming very soon, as is our in-depth review of “New Levels”.
xDMWDx Release Their "Rhythm and Vybes: Book 2 Side" Album
Trenton, NJ based musical duo @xDMWDx have just released the second of a four part series of albums entitled “Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side". Listen to it right now, and be on the lookout for our interview of the duo and review of the project.
xDreaMWorlDx, often written as xDMWDx, is a music duo consisting of Solo Star and Sadique Jordan. Raised as brothers, the nephew and uncle pair have been expanding and refining their eclectic tastes and skills since the mid-2000s. Jersey born and raised, the duo fell in love with the Hip Hop/Rap of their generation and the Soul/Funk music they were raised on. Their natural curiosity saw them delve into different genres finding a deep appreciation for music of all kinds. Lovers of all things creative, these two have incorporated their perspectives and ideologies into their music and created something known simply as, xDreaMWorlDx.
The duo has begun releasing a four part series of albums entitled “Rhythm & Vybes”, each detailing a different angle and essence of their reality. The second, “Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side”, is the project that we are very excited to share with you now. This iteration of the “Rhythm & Vybes” series has been described as a new age ballad album, combining key elements of Pop, Hip-Hop and R&B.
On this album, xDMWDx provides a high energy and eclectic group of modern love songs. Consisting of six tracks, "Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side” is hard to pigeonhole into one genre due to its immense diversity of sound, which is a great problem to have. Simply put, it’s a very DOPE collection of songs and we bet that you will vibe to it just like we have.
Listen to "Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side" below, stream it on your preferred music service, and connect with xDMWDx on their website and social media. Also, hang close to DCWS because our in-depth review of the album and our Q&A with Solo Star and Sadique Jordan will both be coming soon!
Stream and Share “Rhythm & Vybes: Book 2 Side”
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