The DCWS Takeover includes:
Five day custom landing page promoting your song, music video or project's release, replacing the normal DCWS homepage (*will be the first thing a visitor to the website will see)
Banner on the homepage for five days promoting your song, music video or project
Song, music video or project feature on Dopecausewesaid & NxtNow Music
Review of your project on Dopecausewesaid & NxtNow Music
Interview feature on Dopecausewesaid & NxtNow Music
Selected song from your project will be featured separately with a post on Dopecausewesaid & NxtNow Music
Ten recommended music platforms to submit your project, song or video to
Social media promotion for your project, song or video
Submit your song to be added to one of Dopecausewesaid's Music Discovery Spotify playlists for Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, RnB/Soul, Electronic, and Americana/Folk.
We will review all submitted tracks and only place those we think are DOPE.
If accepted, your song will also be placed on our DOPEST of the Month Playlist.