Interview: Venice, CA Artist Osmunda Music Talks About Her New Album "Sending My Love"

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My family, friends & spiritual leaders around the world are the humans that I look to for inspiration. My intention for this album was to bring forth positivity for anyone struggling during these times.
— Osmunda Music

What are some things, people and places that inspire your creativity when you are working on new music?

My family, friends & spiritual leaders around the world are the humans that I look to for inspiration. My intention for this album was to bring forth positivity for anyone struggling during these times.

Congratulations on the completion and release of “Sending My Love” album; what was your creative process for its development, and how long did it take to complete?

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The first song that I wrote for the album was ‘golden light’ and it was the only one done before the lockdown. It was done at my studio in Venice – Earthstar Creation Center. Shortly after that, the lockdown began and from my makeshift, home studio, I began the “one song per week” approach that eventually birthed “Sending My Love”.

I would create simple chants, with minimal lyrics (far more minimal than my usual songs) and equally minimal accompaniment & then send them off to my co-creator John X Volaitis – often, I would send him the tracks on Wednesday & he would be done by Friday – a challenge to minimalist & beautiful production. The entire process took about 3 ½ months.

Who directed the music video for “grateful”, and how did you come up with its treatment in terms of the imagery and themes?

My co-creator John X Volaitis has been making all of the videos for this series. Usually, it’s a simple collage of positivity, classic spiritual symbolism, abstract art and/or just pretty images. As one might guess, making the videos during the lockdown was a bit tricky as it was a bit more difficult to go out live and shoot fresh footage for each one. Much of it is done with “found footage”.

For the “grateful” video, instead of creating a classic lyric video, he instead chose to say ‘thank you” in a multitude of languages. I have fans all over the world, so he thought it might be sweet to send them a more personal message.

With the album now released, what are some of your goals musically for the last few months of this year?

Prior to the lockdown, I had just started putting together a different collection of songs for what would have been my third album. Now that “sending my love” has been released into the Multiverse, I am already in the process of preparing what will be my as yet unnamed fourth album.

In what ways would you say that “Sending My Love” is different than your last album “Munda”?

Actually, “Sending My Love” is my 3rd album.

“Munda” was created as a tribute to our beautiful, feminine Mother Earth. The whole album was based on my personal journey while I was out traveling the world. It is definitely more of an organic album, with the participation of many of my extremely talented friends.

Then came “Love Will Overcome”, which began my experimentation with urban & electronica genres. There’s a bit more of a social justice/human rights theme to this album. The ideas that we are all connected & can be showing empathy for each other are a constant theme. By the time I had begun creating this album, the world was becoming ever so much more turbulent, so this was my natural response.

Stream and Share “Sending My Love” on Spotify

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