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Interview: NYC Actor-Singer Alaina Kai Chester Talks About Her Debut EP "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty"

We connected with NYC based RnB singer-songwriter and actor Alaina Kai Chester for an exclusive interview to discuss her debut EP “First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty”, what she enjoys most about performing in front of an audience, and much more.

What I do within my art is love. I feel like this project demonstrates that love can be a journey toward healing; it says falling in love can be destructive and be the greatest lesson you learn.
— Alaina Kai Chester

Congratulations on the completion and release of your debut EP "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty". What are you most proud of with this project?

Thank you so much. I think I am most proud of the journey with this first EP. I wasn’t sure what the through-line would be at first-- I’m a person who likes to have a destination in mind, but I’m so proud it turned into something I didn’t foresee. It forced me to trust in myself more, and connect with my truth. That’s something to be proud of, I think.

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What does the EP's title "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty" represent to you?

A new mindset. Do you remember the rhyme young kids would sing about ‘love’, like -- “First comes ‘love’, then comes ‘marriage’, then comes a ‘baby in the baby carriage’” ? I wanted to reject that rhyme, and remix it for young women. The old phrase made love appear to go one direction; it says love leads to being with someone else, or building with someone else. However, it leads to so much more-- It can lead to ‘self-love’, or incredible passion inside one’s career path. What I do within my art is love.

I feel like this project demonstrates that love can be a journey toward healing; this says falling in love can be destructive and be the greatest lesson you learn. ‘Liberty’ represents the freedom we have to embrace all that love is, and embrace how we choose to move forward on that journey.

Tell us about your creative process for the development of the EP's seven tracks. Also, who provided the production on the songs?

In creating the songs and their order, I wanted it to depict a specific arch. I first recorded Mama Says, however, I placed the track towards the end for reflection. Potion, and Body Worthy, begin the EP. They are celebratory and bold because new beginnings are exciting in that way. Then you hear the fall, which leads you to Wise Owl. Lastly, Time Won’t Erase My Love-- that’s the last song I wrote, actually. I knew the project was done after that. The song was about letting go. And, once the let go happens, a new chapter needs to start musically.

My engineer is Tyquan Gholson! He is an engineer based in Queens, NY. I met him the summer of 2018, and loved his work. I found out we have the same birthday, which is on Halloween. So immediately, I was like ‘oh, he will understand me’! Our collaboration was like we’d worked together years prior. I would come in with the song already written. I would go straight to the booth, arrangement practiced, and we’d have a recording session finished in two hours-- max three. We trusted one another greatly. He has a talented ear, and he could take it further, and challenge me to do the same.

Jared White provided beats for my project; also very talented. For years, I’ve always appreciated writing to his beats, because they can be catchy and smooth to arrange to.

When someone listens to the EP for the first time, what do you want them to take away from the experience?

Hopefully, people listen to the lyrics! I want them to be inspired to heal and keep going during times of heartbreak and uncertainty. It’s about being courageous. I hope people are inspired to not let falling down take them completely out. Fall in love, get your heart broken, then let go, and embrace a new adventure. First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty!

You're not just an amazing singer, but an actress as well. Tell us what you enjoy most about performing in front of an audience and/or camera.

Well, thank you. And yes, I am an actor! I love how we as human beings connect to a story. I love how much we can learn and absorb, from hearing someone else’s story be told. Being on stage -- performing for people-- feels like I am connecting with others on a spiritual level. I feel I am giving back, or making someone’s day a little brighter. Making someone feel heard. I enjoy performing for that reason alone, in all mediums-- how can I inspire you to love, to treat people better, to be courageous, to speak out, or to stand in your power. I particularly am drawn to empowering stories of women.

With the EP now released, what are some of your goals musically for the rest of 2020?

My goal is to get my EP out there, digitally, as much as I can. Covid-19 took away a pretty big opportunity for me as an actor-- and with the industry down until probably next year-- I’ve been working to push this project through media platforms during this time. I feel kind of lucky to have this project to share right now. After preparing for two years, it's ready to have listeners. Then, performing live will come when it is supposed to, just like this E.P released when it was supposed to.

Connect with Alaina Kai Chester: Website | Instagram

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Review: "TRIATHLON" Album by Anthone Ray

@AnthoneRay is a Lynchburg, VA based rapper and producer whose music can be described as lyrical, energetic, wavy, smooth and diverse. He just dropped a new album titled “TRIATHLON”; check out our in-depth review of his project now!

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Anthone Ray is a Lynchburg, VA based rapper and producer whose music can be described as lyrical, energetic, wavy, smooth and diverse. He just dropped his new album titled “TRIATHLON”.

I’ll tell you, the first word that comes to mind after listening to this project is “diverse”. It seems like Anthone can do it all. He produced every beat, sung every hook and rapped just about every verse. When it comes to comparing him to mainstream artists, I would say that Anthone is a solid mix between Drake and Travis Scott. I’d say his rapping mirrors Drake’s at times, however Anthone is significantly more lyrical. Also, his hooks/singing is wavy, auto tuned and extremely full which reminds me of Scott. That being said, Anthone definitely has his own unique voice and sound along with these influences.

As a rapper myself, something I appreciate about Anthone’s project is the particular type of rapping he employs. In 2020, a new brand of rapping has taken over. This type of rap is less lyric focused and more about how things sound. Anthone is clearly a student of hip-hop as his raps are full of punchlines, similes and wordplay. There were several times I found my eyes widening as I caught a certain bar. That’s the type of rap I thoroughly enjoy.

The intro track, “RELAY” is the perfect way to begin the project as it showcases all of Anthone’s abilities. The production is excellent, there are PLENTY of bars, and there’s even a section of auto tune singing. This is a personal favorite of mine.

The third track, “OUT THE GATE” is in the running for the best song on the project in my opinion. While listening to it, I made sure to make a note that said “banger”. The song would be amazing to see performed live and it’s also a song that would do well in a party setting. Maybe even just jamming out in a full car.

I have to say, I was already impressed with the production. As I was listening I said to myself that it was unique and diverse. No two beats were the same and they were all creative and well-made. Once I found out the entire project, except for “BIG TALK”, was produced by Anthone (which was after I finished listening to it), I was even more impressed with his overall talent level.

A couple more songs that stuck out to me were “LATELY FREESTYLE”, because I love to just hear an artist simply rap, and the last track, “GOLD MEDAL DREAMS” which seems to sort of tie the entire project together.

Overall this project is extremely dope and unique. It made me an instant fan of Anthone Ray and gave me a bit more hope for the future of lyrical rap. I’m excited to see what he drops next.

Stream and Share “TRIATHLON” on Spotify

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Why I Choose to Show All of My Colours

Toronto based rapper @officialekelle talks about George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter and Gay Rights movements, intersectionality and how they all intertwine as parts of her experience as a Black, pansexual woman.

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In light of the recent global power surge to the Black Lives Matter movement and Gay Rights movement I think more than ever it’s extremely important to show who we are. Why hide it in a time where the world is up in flames and everyone is being exposed anyway? I’ve been a Black woman all of my life which is apparent in my skin, my hair, my features and some of my cultural practices, but what happens when you embody another identity that isn’t so easily detected? I knew about my queerness as early as the fourth grade, but knew it wasn’t something to take pride in as I would hear “That’s so gay” being hurled as an insult on the playground and saw peers being ostracized as I grew older. Blackness has been feared, misunderstood and generally looked down upon for so long as is evident in slavery, the civil right’s movement, discriminatory practices and laws as well as and the covert forms of racism we see today.

Being gay, or queerness has always been around and people who identify that way have been made to suffer painfully just as Black people have. Unfortunately these two movements are normally seen as very different and those who identify with both groups are often made to feel like they have to choose a side, much like someone who identifies as biracial. The argument for this is that you can’t hide being Black, but you can hide being gay. Although I see where people are coming from with this argument I’m going to have to discredit it because much like queer individuals try to tone themselves down as to not be outed and potentially put in danger, Black people do it too. Black people are made to feel like we have to blend in with white supremacy by hiding the things that make us unique (hair, food, style of dress, etc.), to not portray the stereotypes (hypersexual, thugs, loud, ghetto) and to not appear as aggressive/threatening when there’s a disagreement just to basically be seen as human. The reality here is that no one should have to choose a side when they’re both a part of you as a whole. The two movements are definitely not the same, but there are commonalities.


The concept of intersectionality helps us all to understand that the different portions of one’s identity make us unique, but also unfortunately leave some of us to experience more challenges due to these same portions. Intersectionality is a term coined by Dr. Kimberle Crenshaw that allows us to holistically take into consideration all of the social and political identities we embody and look at how they either provide us with privilege or discrimination (Bright et al, 2016). This can put individuals in situations where they really benefit from the social constructs of their society, like say a pretty white girl from an affluent background who is educated and Christian. A woman who ‘s Black, doesn’t fit European beauty standards, poor, educated and Muslim will no doubt have a tougher time in a society that is based is white supremacy - this our society unfortunately.

The murder of George Floyd by police was the last straw for Black people all around the world and our allies (old and new) in the fight for racial equality. We’ve seen the murders of Trayvon Martin, Philandro Castille, Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor and so many more take place with the police or citizens who have killed them go unpunished or what even seems to be rewarded with paid administrative leave and other opportunities. Black people and a growing number of allies are protesting these unjust killings, proceedings, racist institutions and white supremacy in hopes of reaching an equality where no one is negatively judged based on the colour of their skin. With that goal in mind, it’s been so upsetting to see a lack of enthusiasm when Black members of the LGBTQ+ community are killed, especially Black trans women.

I’ve had to explain to people, mostly transphobic Black people that if we want Black lives to matter, all Black lives have to matter. This glaringly obvious statement has caused me a few heated Facebook arguments and a lot of unfriending, which to be honest I’m quite happy about. I’ve tried, but I can’t educate someone who doesn’t want to learn. I don’t know what it will take for individuals like this to understand that we can’t expect the rest of the world to respect and value Black life when there are some Black people who don’t see this flippantness as problematic behaviour. The names I’ve mentioned above have had significant amounts of support and demands for justice but what about Merci Mack from Texas, Riah Milton from Ohio or Dominique Fells from Pennsylvania? These are only 3 of the 17 known Black trans women who’ve been murdered this year (Fitzsimons, 2020).

There are Black people, white people and other POCs that support the Black Lives Matter movement, but are silent when the murders of LGBTQ+ people occur. There are members of the LGBTQ+ community who support LGBTQ+ rights, but can also be anti-Black, and also anti-trans because the issues of these communities don’t affect them, therefore they cannot see them as real. No one is perfect and as humans we have been conditioned to fear and hate what we don’t understand. Being so closed off to people who are different is wrong and it’s harmful to larger society, how can we band together to tackle issues like homelessness and increasing the minimum wage, etc if we can’t even accept each other's differences?

I sit here writing this article as a Black, pansexual woman not to profit off of the current state of the world, but hopefully to educate and to show unity. When some people look at me, they are shocked to learn that I don’t identify as heterosexual and some assume me to be mixed with another race because of my complexion. I want people to understand that things are not always what they seem, someone who looks like you may not think like you and vice versa but all lifestyle choices are valid so long as no one is being hurt by them. If you’re someone who doesn’t support equality for marginalized people, I challenge you to ask yourself why that is. If you’re not willing to learn and understand why the Black Lives Matter movement exists, why the LGBTQ+ community is still fighting for rights, why you should respect the religion of others, what white privilege is, how misogyny or ableism work then why do you expect anyone from these groups or even someone from your own to give you the time of day? These ways of thinking are taught and I encourage you to begin to do the work of unlearning so that you can think for yourself.

Like the great Miss Lauryn Hill once said, “How you gonna win, when you ain't right within?”. This is why I decided to re-introduce myself to my audience and hopefully some new supporters as I embrace everything that makes me, me. Being more honest and open with my music is my form of resistance. My choice to do this is about taking a stand for the things I believe in and inspiring others to do the same. If I want to help people feel comfortable in their own skin then I have to lead by example. The truth will always set you free.


Bright, L. K., Malinsky, D., & Thompson, M. (2016). Causally Interpreting Intersectionality Theory. Philosophy of Science, 83(1), 60–81. https://doi.org/10.1086/684173

Fitzsimons, T. (2020, July 1). Black transgender woman shot dead in Dallas. Nbcnews.Com. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/black-transgender-woman-shot-dead-dallas-n1232704

Connect with Ekelle: Website | Twitter | Instagram

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Stream "Junk MuZik", the Debut Album by Kentucky Based Rapper Callon B

Paducah, Kentucky based rap artist and founder of Got Your Back Entertainment, @CallonBGYB, has just released his debut album entitled "Junk MuZik". Listen to this DOPE new project now.

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Callon B is a Paducah, Kentucky based rap artist and founder of Got Your Back Entertainment, a hip-hop entertainment company and clothing line whose brand has a strong emphasis on positivity and unity.

This talented emcee has just released his debut album entitled “Junk MuZik”, featuring production from Bobby Lee, Bonesaw, and Hendrix Smoke. This album is a collection of personal stories told through raw hip-hop, revealing a more vulnerable side of Callon B.

The latest and most popular single on the album, “Whatchu Need”, features artist 30 Odd Sixx and has over 6000 views already. “Junk MuZik” was recorded mixed and mastered by Callon B himself, a Full Sail University graduate.

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Listen to Callon B’s very DOPE “Junk MuZik” album right now, connect with him on his website and social media, and hang close to DCWS because our exclusive interview with him is coming soon.

Connect with Callon B: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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Folk Rock Singer-Songwriter Sean Miller Shares His EP "Everywhere I Roam"

Petoskey, Michigan folk rock singer-songwriter Sean Miller has released his new solo EP "Everywhere I Roam".

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Born in raised in Northern Michigan, folk rock singer-songwriter Sean Miller has been playing music his whole life and as a performing artist for the past half-decade. Sean has toured and performed across Michigan with his band, The Real Ingredients, but works as a solo artist now pushing into and touring around the Midwest.

This talented artist has just released his new solo EP release "Everywhere I Roam", comprised of 7 tracks, including the radio cuts “Couldn't Make This House A Home”, “Phone Call Smiles”, and “Oh Red Star”.

Speaking about the recently released EP, Sean says “This is a collection of works I've been holding for a few years. The time was right for me to start pushing my solo work and I couldn't be happier with how the album turned out. For the last 4 years I have been touring and playing with my band, The Real Ingredients, but this album is special to me because it's not affiliated with the band. These are my songs, my voice, my arrangements and my statement as an up and coming artist. The work takes a look at my life while talking about relationships, mental health, the good times and the bad”.

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Listen to “Everywhere I Roam” now, and connect with Sean on his website and social media.

Connect with Sean Miller: Website | Instagram

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Alaina Kai Chester Unveils Her Debut EP "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty"

NYC based pop/RnB singer and actress Alaina Kai Chester has released her debut EP "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty". Listen to it right now, and be on the lookout for our in-depth review and interview with Alaina.

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If you are a fan of Kehlani, Beyonce, or The Weeknd, then you’ll be glad to know that we’ve got a newly released EP that you will love immensely. Coming to DCWS from NYC based pop/RnB singer and actress Alaina Kai Chester, her debut EP "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty", is one that is sure to excite any music lover, especially if you have good taste like we’re sure you do.

What you need to know about the “First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty” EP is that it fuses pop and RnB with ease, focuses on love and liberation, and highlights Alaina’s incredible voice and songwriting prowess.

Speaking about the project, Alaina says that it is “as an ode to womanhood, love, and freedom. It's sexy, it's empowering, and I think in times like today, people will feel uplifted by what they hear”.

We don’t want to say too much about this 7-track EP now because our in-depth review is coming soon, but know that we love what we’ve heard and we expect great things in the future from Alaina.

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Listen to “First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty” for yourself right now, and connect with Alaina on her website and IG. Also, be on the lookout for our exclusive interview with Alaina, as well as our review of the EP, both coming soon.

Connect with Alaina Kai Chester: Website | Instagram

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FEATURES Carlton Boyd FEATURES Carlton Boyd

Interview: Michael Oso Discusses His Debut Album "Where The Wild Ones Roam and other songs of Hope and Freedom""

We connected with Portland, OR based world folk singer-songwriter Michael Oso for an exclusive interview to talk about his debut album, "Where the Wild Ones Roam and other songs of Hope & Freedom”, and much more.

My creative process is simple; I play and I sing. I find my creative skills work best when I just let myself go and give in to the feeling of the music. I let the music take the reigns and I always love the path it takes me on. Through knowing myself and my fight for a more just, equitable world - my creative process flows.
— Michael Oso

What are some things/places/people that inspire your creativity when developing new music?

Everything influences me and my music is the summation of 27 years of that experience. Every moment of every day there is something if you listen. There are so many places, people and events in my past that have influenced me I can only say that I am truly blessed for this life (though it hasn't always been easy).

Though I do not ascribe to any particular religion, and never have, I am incredible spiritual thanks to my own powerful experiences. To put it one way; I do not believe in god, I know god. Not personally, of course, but my relationship to "god" - our truest self - what is right and what is wrong - good karma and bad karma - the beauty of this world and the love that we can share and give to others -- that is was influences me and my music. Oh, and liberating all peoples, creeds and cultures from the barbarity of injustice and oppression. Not until each individual is free shall we all be free.

Congratulations on the completion and release of your album "Where the Wild Ones Roam and other songs of Hope & Freedom". Tell us about your creative process for the album's 18 tracks.

Thank you! I'm very proud of my first release and so excited that this is the first in a life-long dedication to music. "Where the Wild Ones Roam and other songs of Hope & Freedom", is a collection of songs that reflects not only of where I am now as a singer-songwriter/music producer but the current socio-political times.

Many of the originals were written over the past few years, born out of my own experiences traveling North & South America as well as my socio-political activism, and solidarity against all tyrants. To complement my og work, I included a fair amount of re-worked covers, to further showcase what I not only envision for myself as an artist but important themes and messages I wanted to share to the wider audience.

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My creative process is simple; I play and I sing. I find my creative skills work best when I just let myself go and give in to the feeling of the music. I let the music take the reigns and I always love the path it takes me on. Through knowing myself and my fight for a more just, equitable world - my creative process flows.

For this album, I kept it real simple; one track myself and guitar, another track for a 2nd guitar and an odd-bass track for a few songs. Very little mixing/mastering (all done by me), just enough to bring the levels up and brighten what I wanted - and voila! Under confinement, it took me just four days.

Tell us about the album's title "Where the Wild Ones Roam and other songs of Hope & Freedom", and what it represents to you, specifically the "Hope & Freedom" part.

I chose the title, "Where the Wild Ones Roam and other Songs of Hope & Freedom" for three reasons. The first, "Where the Wild Ones Roam", is one of my favorite original tracks which is very much based on my travels in South America.

The second, it's a play on Pete Seeger's collection - "If I had a Hammer and other songs of Hope & Struggle" - Pete Seeger is my greatest musical idol, as a human being too (though Sam Cooke is the greatest singer of all time).

The third and perhaps most important reason is that today's times is in sore need of hope and freedom. 45's presidency disgusts me - I could go ON AND ON about it, but this album is a rebuke, a challenge, a call-out to not only 45 but all oppressors and degenerates across the globe; solidarity against all tyrants.

To me, I am the hope and freedom. I truly believe that we are the keys to our own salvation and by being an example of such - others may realize; "if he can, I can too." I want people to know that they're ok, they're alright, they can be happy, there is boundless hope in the world as there is freedom; the keys are in our hands.

How has the time you spent in South America, or your travels in general, impacted you as a music creator?

Hugely. The year-and-a-half, two-years I spent traveling and working on farms in South America was life-changing in so many ways. After I graduated from UCLA, I went to South America to work on WWOOF farms, but it ballooned into such a grander adventure. I never sang until I went down south! I had been a musician for well over 10 years at that point but I was always way too shy to sing; I never sang a note.

But then, while hitch-hiking around and hanging out with many other South American travelers, I started busking on the streets with various groups to make some money as we went town-to-town. It wasn't long until I was singing too! First in Spanish, then my first-language French (mom's French), and finally in English (and Portuguese eventually).

South America is not only where I had my incredibly powerful spiritual experiences (a culmination of experiences at that point, if you will), it's also where I realized; "somos todos americanos" - we are all americans. I had always been a fierce activist (what's up Occupy Oakland!) but this elevated me onto a grander pan-american level.

When someone listens to the album for the first time, what do you want them to take away from the experience?

I want my listeners to feel something. I want them to get goosebumps as they listen to something true. My singing needs work, I know that, but I can hear the music in my head and I know that by working at something - anything - with a true heart and true intention, anything is possible.

Our most recent Buddha (Siddhartha) said that to achieve enlightenment was like carving through the Himalayas with a handkerchief. Sounds impossible, right? Well, if he could do it why can't we?

With the album now released, what are some of your goals musically for the remainder of 2020?

Goals for 2020: surviving.

Lol, just kidding. I have lots of goals, to be frank. I'd like to put a band together, record more, hit those high-notes just like Paul, sing like Sam, be like Pete, tour (no pandemic?), make music full-time, make people laugh, make people dance, make people sing, be a better person, help everyone that needs help, save the world.. the list goes on and on!

But really, if there is one thing that I can accomplish it would be this: to serve others.

Truly, that is what I desire above all else. That is why I make my music, I believe that my music can help people and make their worlds a little brighter. Maybe not today, right now, but some day - even if it's just one person then it's all worth it. I believe in myself, in us and in this universe, and as long as I know I lived my life dedicated to the betterment of others and serving what I believe is the foundation of this universe - then rich or poor, I will die a happy man.

Stream and Share “Where the Wild Ones Roam and other songs of Hope & Freedom” on Soundcloud

Connect with Michael Oso: Vero

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Stream "Twisted", the New EP by Electronica Music Producer Walter Wayne

Croatian electronica artist/producer Walter Wayne has released a new 4-track EP entitled "Twisted", via SuperPosition Records.

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Croatian electronica artist/producer Walter Wayne has released a new 4-track EP entitled "Twisted", via SuperPosition Records. This new material is done in Melodic Techno style and shows a new direction for Walter Wayne since his first album “Synchronize” which was dominated by House tracks.

Regarding his new project, Walter states that, "This album twisted is my first break into the techno genre, well, it's more melodic techno I would say. I've been working on this material since last December and it means a lot to me as it sums my emotions during this COVID-19 crisis the whole world is going through. That's where the name Twisted is coming from, it simply describes my experience of the world right now, it's all twisted. We're locked in our homes and what was normal yesterday it's twisted today."

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Listen to the “Wicked” EP right now and connect with Walter Wayne on his website and social media.

Connect with Walter Wayne: Twitter | Instagram | Website

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Indie Alternative Singer-Songwriter Guy Grogan Releases His New Album "Same Morning Light"

Santa Fe, NM based singer-songwriter Guy Grogan has dropped his latest album “Same Morning Light”. Listen to this new release now.

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Guy Grogan is a critically acclaimed, prolific, award-winning songwriter and one-man-band based in Santa Fe, NM. He creates singular material that ranges from intimate folky ballads to meditative midnight jazz, and anthemic indie rock--all with a distinct, poetic pop sensibility. Lyrically, he explores the heart space between bitter loss and wisdom while narrating existential themes of aging, the passage of time, and the perils of hope and love.

Guy restarted writing, performing and recording his own music in 2010 after a life-changing event. Since then Guy has self-released 13 albums, numerous singles and EPs, garnering references to The National, Roy Orbison, Elliot Smith, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Dinosaur Jr, The Beatles, Tom Petty, Weezer, and Guided By Voices. While hard at work on his albums, Guy has been the recipient of numerous songwriting awards granted by organizations such as New Mexico Music Awards, Indie International, Song of the Year, American Song-writing Awards, and the UKSC.

Guy has returned with a new full-length album entitled "Same Morning Light". This release is an overall more intimate set of songs and “folkier” atmospheres in which he continues to pursue the art of the song.

Speaking about the album, Guy says, “This was a special record for me. I mean, they all are, but with this one I really felt like I went deep into the writing and was able to achieve some distance between simply drawing from personal experiences to a broader imagining of someone else’s experiences or feelings and writing from their point of view…less autobiographical, but no less intimate.”

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Listen to “Same Morning Light” now, stream it on Spotify and connect with Guy on his social media.

Stream and Share “Same Morning Light” on Spotify

Connect with Guy Grogan: Twitter | Instagram

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FEATURES Carlton Boyd FEATURES Carlton Boyd

Interview: Rapper/Producer Anthone Ray Talks About His New Album "TRIATHLON"

Major salute to Lynchburg, VA based rapper and producer @AnthoneRay who connected with DCWS for an exclusive interview to discuss his new album "TRIATHLON", and much more.

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The concept for the album is really about perseverance and recognizing life is like a race. You have to keep running and growing in what you do. Whether you get tired or angry, you have to keep on going.
— Anthone Ray

You're not just a talented rapper, but a producer as well. What software/hardware do you use to make beats and do you sell them to other artists?

I'm FL Gang all day. Fruity Loops is my software of choice. I do sell beats and continue to get better at my craft each day.

Congratulations on the completion and release of your album "TRIATHLON"; it's a very dope collection of tracks. What are you most proud of with this new project?

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Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to listen to it. I'm super proud of this project because I feel like I got every idea out of my head that I wanted, and for artists, that can be hard to do at times. This is my first body of work that I can say I'm satisfied with as a whole. From top to bottom with no filler. No dry spots and no dry moments.

Tell us what the overall concept of the album represents to you and why you decided to call it "TRIATHLON".

The concept for the album is really about perseverance and recognizing life is like a race. You have to keep running and growing in what you do. Whether you get tired or angry, you have to keep on going. You learn a lot about yourself when you're tired mentally and physically.

The reason I called the project "TRIATHLON" was mainly because it fit where I was in my life and still am. I wanted a title to fit the mood of the entire body of work and didn't want something too much to the point. "TRIATHLON" just stuck with me. When I did my research on it, it definitely fit the vibe I was going for. The ups, the downs, the wins, and the losses. It was perfect.

Were there songs that you recorded that did not make the final track list? If so, why did they not make the cut?

I actually had two songs actually that didn't make the cut. One of the songs didn't make the cut mainly because of production issues. It sounded a little off key, but I plan on dropping it eventually when I fix it.

Another one didn't make it because I wasn't in the right head space mentally, spiritually, and felt like I was too angry on the track. I didn't want to regret putting it out in the long run. The dope part of it though, it helped birth "LATELY FREESTYLE", which is on the album.

When someone listens to the album for the first time, what do you want them to take away from the experience?

I want the listener to relate to what I'm saying and apply it to their own lives. This life is like a marathon. Some days you have energy to be the best "you" you can be and some days you want to be left alone. I want the listener to know that they are human and it's okay.

Be yourself and give yourself room to grow. Running is not always about who's the fastest, but who has the endurance.

Tell us about the hip-hop music scene in Lynchburg, VA. Are there venues for artists to perform and is it difficult to grow a fan base there?

The Hip Hop scene exists and is slowly getting recognition in my city. It still takes time for people to come around to it, but it's beautiful to see the people who enjoy the genre supporting the local scene.

We have venues that I believe could be utilized more, but I believe if you work hard, things will line up. Creating a fan base is pretty hard to do because the concept of a fan base is hard to grasp for some creatives. When I think of a fan base, I think ticket sales. Not followers on Instagram. That's a big difference to me when it comes down to true success.

Stream and Share “TRIATHLON” on Spotify

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Indie Pop Artist Skofee Announces Her "Polished" EP Release and Shares "Fantomlimb" Single/Video

Los Angeles-based pop artist @skofeemusic has announced the release of her EP, "Polished", due September 21st. Now, Skofee shares the first single and visual that she filmed for “Fantomlimb.”

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Los Angeles-based pop artist Skofee (pronounced SK-O-FEE) has announced the release of her EP, Polished, due September 21st. Now, Skofee shares the first single and visual that she filmed for “Fantomlimb.” In discussing the song, Skofee said “It details the feeling of longing for someone who isn’t there for you in the way they once were emotionally. Reliving the best parts of a relationship which no longer exist, while catering to the needs of someone who has fallen out of love with you.

The 5-track Polished EP explores uncomfortable situations that lead to growth, painful self-awareness and forgiveness with poetic lyrics. “The EP title is sort of ironic, because the songs have been polished and produced but the lyrical content shows a lot of dysfunction. It’s also about learning to love your shortcomings and go easy on yourself as you make mistakes and discover the ugly sides of yourself,” said Skofee. Each song began as a single thought that processed from Skofee’s candid experience and musical inspirations from folk, indie, alt-pop, and r&b.

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Skofee was in the midst of recording and finalizing her EP when the Black Lives Matter protests began. As an avid supporter, she finds it very important to use her platform and contibute to the movement. She recently launched a sticker campaign and will be donating all proceeds to the Black Trans Travel Fund. Join the cause with Skofee here.

Watch Skofee’s new music video for “Fantomlimb” right now, stream it on Spotify and connect with her on social media.

Stream and Share “Fantomlimb” on Spotify

Connect with Skofee: Twitter | Instagram

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Stream "TRIATHLON", the DOPE New EP by Lynchburg, VA Rapper/Producer Anthone Ray

Lynchburg, VA based rapper and producer @AnthoneRay just released his self-produced 8-track EP “TRIATHLON”. Listen to it right now and be on the lookout for our exclusive interview with him, as well as our in-depth review of the EP.

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Hailing from the small city in Virginia called Lynchburg, rapper and producer, Anthone Ray, is committed to being the next hometown hero in Hip Hop. This talented artist continues to make strides to provide passionate lyricism, energetic anthems, and melodic undertones in the forefront of his music. He infuses his worldview and life to relate to all people from different backgrounds, different stages of life, and all listeners.

Speaking of listeners, Anthone just released his self-produced 8-track EP entitled “TRIATHLON”, featuring Nikos Hawkins, Killgxxd, and Desarae Dee, and you’ve got to check it out ASAP. We are very excited to share this incredible project with you, and we expect you to become fans of Anthone just as we have after just one listen. It’s clear that Anthone is a driven and talented rapper and producer, destined for success, and “TRIATHLON” is a testament of what’s to come.

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Check out the “TRIATHLON” EP now, connect with Anthone on his website and social media, and be on the lookout for our exclusive interview with him, as well as our in-depth review.

Connect with Anthone Ray: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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Jono Dorr's "The Unexamined Life Part I" EP is Dropping on August 5th

LA singer-songwriter Jono Dorr is getting ready to release his EP, “The Unexamined Life Part 1” on August 5th. Following the release of acclaimed track "Quiet Footsteps," Jono is releasing a body of work that eloquently encapsulates his songwriting prowess.

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As a songwriter and producer, Los Angeles based Jono Dorr has helped launch and sustain the careers of prominent artists like Hayley Kiyoko, Kehlani, Gnash and The Neighborhood. Sourcing his influences ranging from Motown to Nirvana, Jono’s own songs evoke a soulful revival within the modern pop landscape.

Now, Jono is getting ready to release his EP, “The Unexamined Life Part 1” on August 5th. Following the release of acclaimed track "Quiet Footsteps," Jono is releasing a body of work that eloquently encapsulates his songwriting prowess. The 6-part project is hauntingly beautiful and showcases a wide range of emotions.

"The Unexamined Life Part 1 is about choosing pain over ignorance, freedom over obedience, and purpose over greed. Each song focuses on different moments in my life that compelled me to look inward for answers," explains Jono Dorr.

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Check out the “Quiet Footsteps” track below, connect with Jono on his IG and be ready to stream/purchase “The Unexamined Life Part 1” on August 5th.

Connect with Jono Dorr: Instagram

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The Two Romans Announce Their Debut UK Album Release "Everything.Now!”

The Two Romans have announced their debut album, “Everything.Now!”, will be getting a UK release on October 16th and will include five exclusive bonus tracks.

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The Two Romans have announced their debut album, “Everything.Now!”, will be getting a UK release on October 16th and will include five exclusive bonus tracks.

Formed by the Zanella brothers, singer Samuele and guitarist/singer Mattia, The Two Romans effortlessly channel pop sensibilities and infectious melodies alongside anthemic choruses to create pulsing and fervently charged indie alt-rock.

The UK release comes after guitarist Flo Fettke flew over to the UK last year on a mission to help them break into the UK. Having captured various concert promoters attention with the band’s passion and devotion to the DIY cause, The Two Romans were set to play a string of UK dates this summer but due to the current global circumstances are now on hold until 2021.

The Two Romans comment, "We are so bummed that we cannot visit our English friends this summer, but we are stoked and immensely proud to have our first official release in the UK and cannot wait for you to hear the exclusive bonus tracks we are adding to our debut album."

The album, which had a European release in April garnered mainstream airplay from over 50 radio stations in Germany and Switzerland and became a top 5 hit in the album charts. The album’s lead single ‘Sky's On Fire’ received almost 2000 spins on radio in the first 3 months alone. Watch the video below

The band collaborated with the Grammy nominated and ARIA Award winning producer Adrian Breakspear (Gang Of Youths, Pharrell Williams) and Julian Emery (Nothing But Thieves, James Bay, Lissie, Alex Hepburn).The debut album also follows three self-produced EPs Waves, Forest and Sun.

The Two Romans have played over 150 live shows and festivals all over Europe including Montreux Jazz Festival, Gurten Festival, Taubertal Festival and many more and are completed by Brian Boy (Guitar), Jürg Steiner (Bass) and Simon Boss (Drums).

Watch the “Sky’s On Fire” music video now, stream it on Spotify and connect with The Two Romans on their website and FB.

Stream and Share “Sky’s On Fire” on Spotify

Connect with The Two Romans: Website | Facebook

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FEATURES Carlton Boyd FEATURES Carlton Boyd

Interview: Dutch Rapper/Producer Ido Discusses His Debut EP "KERN"

We connected with Dutch rap artist and producer Ido for an exclusive interview to talk about his newly released, self-produced EP “KERN”, the Hip-Hop scene in the Netherlands, and much more.

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When someone listens to “KERN” I want them to experience what I felt at a particular moment in my life at the best at my ability. I want them to feel like they were part of the experience and maybe learn form it, or heal from it.
— Ido

Congratulations on the completion and release of your debut EP "KERN"; what are you most proud of with this project?

Thank you. Next to the fact I did everything alone, I’m very proud of my track called “gedachtens” which translates into “Thoughts”. It’s a song about facing self-doubt and self-hate, which can be very difficult things to face up to and get rid off.

Tell us about your creative process for the EP's seven songs as both the lyricist and producer. Also, what does the title "KERN" represent?

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The songs I wrote are inspired by events that occurred in my life and things I’ve been dealing with the last few years. I tell the stories how I expired them, most of the time I write a concept for the song and meditate on it for a while or try different things. Most of the time I make the beat first then I go write a song to it.

“KERN” translates into “Core”'; the EP was written from the core of my being and that’s why I called that.

With the EP now released, what are some of your goals musically for the rest of 2020?

At the moment I’m working on my next EP and producing on other people’s records. It would also be cool to do some things over-seas.

My plans for the rest of the year are basically performing and creating.

How would you describe the hip-hop scene in the Netherlands? Are locals supportive of homegrown talent and is it difficult to build a fan base?

Not everybody, some people are very kind and supportive. Others will try to get you down; I think it’s normal not everybody will like you and you have to be prepared to deal with that kind of stuff.

The locals are supportive at in my case; that being said, I sadly have to tell I did miss some understanding in how the business works. Growing my fan base is something I am busy improving.

When someone listens to the "KERN" EP for the first time, what do you want them to take away from the experience?

When someone listens to “KERN” I want them to experience what I felt at a particular moment in my life at the best at my ability. I want them to feel like they were part of the experience and maybe learn form it, or heal from it.

Connect with Ido: Instagram

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Review: "KERN" EP by Ido

A brooding heavy atmosphere defines “KERN”, the newly released, self-produced EP by Dutch rap artist Ido. Check out our in-depth review of his project now.

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A brooding heavy atmosphere defines “KERN”, the newly released, self-produced EP by Dutch rap artist Ido. Everything about it embraces the dark from the raw gritty flows that grace the entirety of the EP to the intense arrangements. Beats hit with such emotional fury. Lyrically masterful mood proves to be of the utmost essence from which all else flows. The tracks take their time for Ido engages in such overwhelming atmospheres throughout. Every song plays off the last making the EP best when taken in as a singular whole. Over the course of the work, a narrative begins to form one that revels in a life lived to the absolute fullest.

The stripped-down, minimal style recalls a bit of Kendrick Lamar’s “DAMN.”. Similar to that album, this EP manages to cut things down to the essentials. Everything has its own specific place. Beyond the obvious indebtedness to hip-hop, there is the intersection of elegant dubstep gestures a la James Blake that further heighten the emotional impact of the experience. Bass rumbles with a virtual physical quality. Grooves go for the deep, as they appear to be truly masterful with their flawless execution.

Morphed vocals introduce the surreal scope of “Ik Mis Je”. Percussion goes for a tactile quality for the track truly comes into focus with its threatening aura. Quite spacious, “Efteling” allows a lot of texture into the fray while Ido’s vocals have a directness to them. Surreal in its scope, “Gedachtens” serves as the highlight of the collection. Woozy samples are stretched to the breaking point with lyrics delivered with fire and passion. Quite confrontational, Ido completely lets loose on the track.

A sense of tension reigns supreme over the echoed hits of “Innerlijk Beest”. Trying a bit of determination, “Ikke Kan Niet Binden” incorporates rather gorgeous effects that waft up into the sky. Urgency ties the whole of “Panic Attack” together as the piece works itself into a frenzy. “Zero 6” ends the EP off with a slinky groove. Featuring just the right degree of reflection, everything that came before it filters into the dense mix.

Ido goes for a stark, unsettling yet uniquely his own vision on the poignant “KERN” EP. Enjoy this DOPE new project below.

Stream and Share “KERN” on Spotify

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