Interview: NYC Actor-Singer Alaina Kai Chester Talks About Her Debut EP "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty"

What I do within my art is love. I feel like this project demonstrates that love can be a journey toward healing; it says falling in love can be destructive and be the greatest lesson you learn.
— Alaina Kai Chester

Congratulations on the completion and release of your debut EP "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty". What are you most proud of with this project?

Thank you so much. I think I am most proud of the journey with this first EP. I wasn’t sure what the through-line would be at first-- I’m a person who likes to have a destination in mind, but I’m so proud it turned into something I didn’t foresee. It forced me to trust in myself more, and connect with my truth. That’s something to be proud of, I think.

EP Cover - Alaina Kai Chester.jpg

What does the EP's title "First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty" represent to you?

A new mindset. Do you remember the rhyme young kids would sing about ‘love’, like -- “First comes ‘love’, then comes ‘marriage’, then comes a ‘baby in the baby carriage’” ? I wanted to reject that rhyme, and remix it for young women. The old phrase made love appear to go one direction; it says love leads to being with someone else, or building with someone else. However, it leads to so much more-- It can lead to ‘self-love’, or incredible passion inside one’s career path. What I do within my art is love.

I feel like this project demonstrates that love can be a journey toward healing; this says falling in love can be destructive and be the greatest lesson you learn. ‘Liberty’ represents the freedom we have to embrace all that love is, and embrace how we choose to move forward on that journey.

Tell us about your creative process for the development of the EP's seven tracks. Also, who provided the production on the songs?

In creating the songs and their order, I wanted it to depict a specific arch. I first recorded Mama Says, however, I placed the track towards the end for reflection. Potion, and Body Worthy, begin the EP. They are celebratory and bold because new beginnings are exciting in that way. Then you hear the fall, which leads you to Wise Owl. Lastly, Time Won’t Erase My Love-- that’s the last song I wrote, actually. I knew the project was done after that. The song was about letting go. And, once the let go happens, a new chapter needs to start musically.

My engineer is Tyquan Gholson! He is an engineer based in Queens, NY. I met him the summer of 2018, and loved his work. I found out we have the same birthday, which is on Halloween. So immediately, I was like ‘oh, he will understand me’! Our collaboration was like we’d worked together years prior. I would come in with the song already written. I would go straight to the booth, arrangement practiced, and we’d have a recording session finished in two hours-- max three. We trusted one another greatly. He has a talented ear, and he could take it further, and challenge me to do the same.

Jared White provided beats for my project; also very talented. For years, I’ve always appreciated writing to his beats, because they can be catchy and smooth to arrange to.

When someone listens to the EP for the first time, what do you want them to take away from the experience?

Hopefully, people listen to the lyrics! I want them to be inspired to heal and keep going during times of heartbreak and uncertainty. It’s about being courageous. I hope people are inspired to not let falling down take them completely out. Fall in love, get your heart broken, then let go, and embrace a new adventure. First Comes Love, Then Comes Liberty!

You're not just an amazing singer, but an actress as well. Tell us what you enjoy most about performing in front of an audience and/or camera.

Well, thank you. And yes, I am an actor! I love how we as human beings connect to a story. I love how much we can learn and absorb, from hearing someone else’s story be told. Being on stage -- performing for people-- feels like I am connecting with others on a spiritual level. I feel I am giving back, or making someone’s day a little brighter. Making someone feel heard. I enjoy performing for that reason alone, in all mediums-- how can I inspire you to love, to treat people better, to be courageous, to speak out, or to stand in your power. I particularly am drawn to empowering stories of women.

With the EP now released, what are some of your goals musically for the rest of 2020?

My goal is to get my EP out there, digitally, as much as I can. Covid-19 took away a pretty big opportunity for me as an actor-- and with the industry down until probably next year-- I’ve been working to push this project through media platforms during this time. I feel kind of lucky to have this project to share right now. After preparing for two years, it's ready to have listeners. Then, performing live will come when it is supposed to, just like this E.P released when it was supposed to.

Connect with Alaina Kai Chester: Website | Instagram