Zeke and Isiah Thomas Launch Cannabis Venture at NBA All-Star Weekend

Zeke and Isiah Thomas launch cannabis venture at NBA All-Star Weekend.jpg

DJ, Activist, and businessman Joshua ‘Zeke’ Thomas, his NBA Hall of Fame father Isiah Thomas and business partner Mohit Shah have announced they’ve taken an equity ownership stake in Colorado-based cannabis company VESL OILS through ISIAH International, LLC and its subsidiaries. Joshua and Mohit will be joining the board of directors and day-to-day operations of the company. Joshua will also take the helm as the Chief Marketing Officer, driving the vision for developing and promoting the culture surrounding cannabis. The company will aggressively expand into the sports and entertainment industries in the near future, and have identified campaigns and events to promote its awareness and use in those spaces.

VESL OILS has developed multiple product lines, including skincare, supplements, oils, pet care, and smokeable products; all derived from premium CBD extracts and natural and organic ingredients and formulated to the highest standards. A main focus for Joshua Thomas is increasing awareness on how CBD supports and enhances mental and physical health, and showcase how quality of life can improve through the use of cannabinol products.

Currently, only 8% of the population is taking CBD, while over 70% of the population are taking at least one prescription pill. Joshua passionately explains, “Inflammation is the body’s response to injury. CBD helps our bodies reduce inflammation. We have an endocannabinoid system in our bodies consisting of millions of receptors which naturally interact with CBD. The tense feeling when you are stressed, migraine headaches, aches and pains; all can be helped by CBD. Now that CBD is legal nationwide with medical and recreational marijuana becoming legal in many states, a culture is forming. I want to help form a culture that will positively impact the wellness of (eventually) billions of people.

In his official statement Isiah Thomas, who’s involvement will be focused on cannabis policy and further product development for athletes, shared, “There has been a paradigm shift in the way we are approaching cannabis. For long, the benefits of cannabis were unknown to the scientific and health communities. For that reason, there have been stigmas associated with the use of cannabis products; there have been injustices with respect to the enforcement of the use of cannabis products, and as a result there have been many misunderstanding created for the use of cannabis products… The benefits of cannabinoids including CBD and THC-A, THC-C, CBN, CBG et al., can no longer be denied, and in fact provide significant benefits to the human body - physically and mentally. That being said, I’m excited to announce my newest partnership in Vesl Oils… Both Joshua and I are excited to join this venture and continue accelerating their rapid growth.

VESL OILS and ISIAH International will be officially launching their partnership and new phase at the 2020 NBA All-Star Weekend held February 14th to 16th in Chicago, IL. Joshua ‘Zeke’ Thomas will be DJing at the National Basketball Retired Players Association’s Legacy Party at The Underground with Shaquille O’Neal (who goes by Diesel when he’s behind the decks). Appearances also include:

Thursday, Feb 13th NBPA - Players Welcome Suite @ Westin Hotel Ladylike Foundation - Celebrity Bowling Hosted By Isiah Thomas @ Kings Bowling

Friday, Feb 14th NBPA - Players Welcome Suite @ Westin Hotel

Saturday, Feb 15th NBRPA - Legacy Party @ Underground **Zeke DJing with Shaquille O’Neal (Diesel)

Sunday, Feb 16th NBRPA - Legacy Brunch @ McCormick Center

Connect with Zeke Thomas: Instagram


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