Review: "Marzi" EP by iismaill

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Simply put, Fontana, CA based rapper iismaill spits fire on his “Marzi” EP. Going for a confrontational take, his unflinching narratives at times recalls A Tribe Called Quest’s insightful lyricism. The hip-hop framing works wonders even as he brings together elements of trap, industrial, even hints of classical into the mix. Best listened to at the loudest possible volume, the whole of the experience feels completely engrossing. Quite heavy at times, the way the album’s songs work together is to create a darkened path; one that explores the shadows.

The harsher, harder take on the “Marzi” album goes both with the arrangements as well as the subject matter. iismaill’s tact possesses a tremendous strength behind it. Percussive elements skitter by for they seemingly punctuate his message. With a desire to drive his point home, the poignant vignettes, the swagger, confidence, and yearning reference Kendrick Lamar’s unflinching honesty. By allowing all of this to simply merge into a singular unified whole, iismaill lets his vision take shape in a way that has a profound classic quality to it. Nearly timeless, he makes sure the message lingers in the mind. Riffs run through it for the entirety of the collection and is best taken in as a singular whole, for iismaill proves to be a master of storytelling.

After a short introduction, “Take a Breath” feels aptly named. Delivery feels passionate, furious, and done with a sense of urgency. Virtually racing by it proves to be the highlight of the collection. Nimble percussion gives “FlipFlop” a jazz electro hybrid spirit for the whole of the piece embraces a certain wooziness. The playfulness of “Never” opts for triumph, a hard-earned victory. Pitch-shifting adds to the joy of the work and iismaill’s references to MEMEs further adds to the track’s contemporary approach. Party atmospherics explore a late-night celebration on the lush realm of “Anything”. “To the End” closes the collection, as it has a reflective nature to it.

The “Marzi” EP goes and offers a no-holds-barred approach, one that proves iismaill to be a deft lyricist with a speed and intensity that is truly haunting.

Stream and Share “Marzi” on Spotify