How to Create a Unique Rap Style

How To Create A Unique Rap Style

Hip-hop made its indelible mark on America’s culture. It has never stopped growing since it started on the streets of New York more than four decades ago. Its influence on different aspects of people’s lifestyles stands strong today, especially in music.

Rap is a music genre rooted deeply in hip-hop culture. It’s defined by rhymes, like poetry, but with musical components, sick beats, and angst. Emerging rappers are still introduced by record labels decades after this genre made its way to the mainstream.

However, making your mark as an aspiring artist can be challenging. To help you take a step up into the music industry, here’s a quick guide on creating a unique rap style to establish your name.

Find Your Inspiration

Both famous rappers and those with careers just starting to take off rely on inspiration. Moreover, making music is a matter of influence and motivation. Every musician has at least one artist they look up to— someone who made them dream of taking the stage.

Starting your journey as a rapper can be terrifying at first. You’re clouded with the question, ‘Am I going to make it?’ The answer will depend on how determined you are to ‘make it.’ All the hip hop legends that made music history were once in your shoes, but they made it to the top. Your passion for the craft and holding on to your inspiration will help you pull through.

Music is something people make out of what they’ve heard. Then, the individual experiences, thoughts, and emotions make their music unique. It’s the same when creating your rap style. Getting inspired by other artists’ work is the first step to cultivating your original sound.

Establish Your Identity As An Artist

Establishing your identity as a rapper is crucial to reaching success in the music industry. You’re working hard to build your name, which includes who you are and your purpose for making music.

Who you are as a person is a unique element you can mix with your music. Incorporating your personal experiences, struggles, victories, and even your mundane day-to-day life makes your music yours and only yours.

Your purpose is also what makes you distinct from other artists. Identify what drives your passion for this craft. Are you making music to express your emotions? Do you have a one-of-a-kind story to tell the world? How would you want people to know you? Your answer to these types of questions makes you unique.

How To Create A Unique Rap Style

Determine The Messages You Want To Speak About

Your identity should come with your messages. Rap focuses on word choices and meanings. These are the core elements of your music, so ensuring you’re writing original lyrics helps you create your mark.

The messages of your music reflect who you are. Some rappers choose to convey political or social issues. Because hip hop has political roots, this type of message is an ordinary thing. However, you can rap about pretty much anything under the sun.

When writing lyrics, do it from your heart. Write about what bothers you, no matter how trivial. You can also share experiences that affect you on a spiritual level. You can even start a musical and societal revolution through your music.

Find Your Tone And Vocal Style

Rapping is similar to singing. You have to find your tone and vocal style that sets you apart from other artists. You want people to hear your songs in public and immediately think of your name.

Your tone should always be appropriate to your messages and emotions. If you’re rapping about something that makes you angry, be angry. However, this should not be limited to your feelings. You can always rap with whatever technique you feel like creating. Thus, you can be emotionless or exaggerate.

Meanwhile, your vocal style blends your natural voice and articulation. Your speaking voice should be your foundation to avoid straining during long performances. Then, you can modify it by learning various vocal techniques and determining how you’ll articulate every word.

Say What You Want Unapologetically

If you want to stand out, be true to yourself. Creating a unique rap style results from being unapologetically honest about what you want others to hear.

It’s easy to conform to whatever’s popular in a world full of trending hashtags and viral videos. Conformity leads to a loss of identity, though. Your uniqueness allows you to do and say what you want, even if it’s not the ongoing trend.

When you rap, say what you want and don’t feel sorry for it. Don’t be controlled by what’s popular on social media and the issues and topics people want to hear. Create music that you would like to listen to and perform for yourself.


Creating a unique rap style means combining what you hear, who you are, and who you want to be as a rapper. Establishing your name in the music industry can be frustrating at times. However, you can achieve the sweetest victory by conquering the toughest challenges.