Bishop Nehru Announces New Album "Elevators", Produced by MF Doom and Kaytranada, Due on March 16th

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Bishop Nehru is announcing his forthcoming album - Elevators, which will arrive as an independent release on March 16th. Bishop has enlisted the multi-genre super producer - Kaytranda & the underground masked villain hip-hop legend - MF DOOM, as producers of the project. 

The claymation style trailer created by Raphael Truffi Bortholuzzi of Grandmondo Miniatures, serves as the official introduction to Elevators where Bishop narrates the inspiration behind the album's two part concept (Act I - Ascension & Act II - Free Falling). The upcoming 10 song album marks the second time Bishop and DOOM have joined forces, following their 2014 album - NehruvianDOOM. 

Bishop is kicking off the campaign with a private, multi-city pizza party listening session tour, where select fans will not only experience the album in its entirety before the media but will also reveal album clues throughout the campaign trail. These private listening sessions will accompany pop-up performances in secret locations. Pigeons & Planes will be documenting and releasing the fan experience content leading up to the release. For more details on the tour go to 

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"This project is a collection of my feelings straight from my heart, all of my ideas were created specifically off of instinct and intuitive occurrences," explains Bishop Nehru on Elevators. "This album is my answer to the question, 'What would you say your music sound like?' My answer to that would be 'Grammy Rap.' There's 'Mumble Rap' and then there's 'Grammy Rap.' With this project I was largely influenced by music theory and Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys. This is my attempt at a 'rap' Pet Sounds."

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