Prolifica Records Releases Debut EP From Alt-Rock Band Human In Bloom

One of the most talented bands coming through the ranks at the moment"

 Story is brief and fortuitous…. 
Alfio (drummer) met Arty (singer) and his free spirit in a restaurant in Melbourne, 
heard him busk and casually mentioned he had a good recording setup back at home… 
Cue foggy Rovigo, North of Italy a few months later… They write and write and, visa upon visa eventually make their way to London where they are joined by bassist Joe from Milan and on guitar Elliot from, well, London ;)

With influences ranging from Foals to The XX and from Radiohead to Daughter, 
and after an aborted attempt with a techno-rock producer from Germany, they literally ‘wish upon a star’ they could miraculously work with anyone from Muse’s production team and low and behold, that very night the band’s long term collaborator (as recording engineer, additional producer, mix engineer etc) Tommaso Colliva, asks to be put on the guest list for their show…
He has a fresh Grammy in his tiny London studio (Drones), really likes them and
commits to producing an EP for free :0 ;) ;) 

 And here it is… 
(and yes it does deal with deep existential issues like freedom and fulfillment, synthetic realities and urban alienation… but all in a gloriously positive way and with unflinching optimism and benevolence… 
and the flip side’s about war…).

 “Robots with emotions” indeed.

 Hope you enjoy.

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Stream/Download "EP#ONE" by Human In Bloom


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