Swiss Electronic Band G-INA Drop Their New Single/Video "Break Your Silence"

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Gabriella In-Albon is a Switzerland based singer-songwriter and founder of the band G-INA. Her lyrics are honest, personal and taken from life, and an incredible example of this is the band’s recently released single/video “Break Your Silence”, which is inspired by the ZOOLOOK created Dread & Alive superheroes and the human power of the Jamaican Maroons to stand up for justice. It is in great recognition of their accomplishment to outsmart those who claimed they were superior based on color, creed, civilization, and character.

The Maroons demonstrated that they could not be conquered by violence and that the British colonial power and the army could be defeated by freeing themselves from slavery.

Speaking about the band’s release, Gabriella says “Break Your Silence” has been created with the deep wish that we will bring up the strength and courage NOW, in order to fight today’s inhumanity and oppression of ethnic and racial minority groups. Especially now when we have such powerful forces amongst us that try to sow hate and division against us.

I am deeply concerned about the current state of racial equality and social justice. Seeing racism as a relic of the past is a deadly problem and the ongoing legacy of racial injustice must end. The human suffering has to be voiced and condemned. For the fear of causing someone’s conflict, we often keep quiet. This encourages wickedness, corruption and social evil. To remain silent knowing that a crime is being committed is being an ally to the perpetrators.

There is an old saying: The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Let’s stand up for justice together and call all the good spirits for help.

I believe in the positive and the power of humanity and that we will one day witness a world where justice and compassion will triumph over injustice and cruelty.”

Prepare to be inspired by G-INA’s new music video “Break Your Silence” right now, stream it on Spotify and connect with the band on their website and social media.

Stream and Share “Break Your Silence” on Spotify

Connect with G-INA: Website | Facebook


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