Pop Singer-Songwriter Ventresca Shares the Visual For "Sinner"


Part of the beauty of dance is the ability to express universal feelings without a single word. Taking in the music and its meaning, dancers tell a whole story through song with their facial and emotional acting along with their body movements, which naturally makes dancers outstanding performers. Add in brilliant singing and songwriting, and you've got Ventresca, an up-and-coming pop star with an artistic presence beyond compare. She began her journey in the arts at Canadian Dance Unit but later unlocked her passion for vocal performance, leading her to The Royal Conservatory of Music. Directly following her 2019 debut, "Craving," The Star Groomer Cindy Valentine picked up on her indisputable attitude and signed her without a second thought. Every single since has raised Ventresca's bar higher and higher, and with her newest release, "Sinner," she's done it again.

As her lyrics say, "Here I lay our story, 'bout evil and good." Every line of "Sinner" reveals another detail from Ventresca's recollection of learning to see through her deceitful ex-lover. The person once capable of giving her butterflies and holding the key to her heart no longer wields such power when finally caught in his lies and sweet talk. Ventresca's singing is as soft as velvet but with strength from her putting the sinful wrongdoer in his rightful place. With references to the story of Adam and Eve, Ventresca makes her role as the good one, who holds the apple and comes out victorious prominent in her musical illustration here.

Visual art and color theory in cinematography come into play in the music video, too. Ventresca's purity and innocence are symbolized in the romantic clips where she wears white. Her partner, played by Julian Mete, also wears white until his disguise wears off, showing him in black -representing the struggle between evil and good. Red accents - such as the lit candles and red wall behind them when the snake fails to slither his way through - add an appealing pop of color and reinforce the love and war theme blatantly on display. Still, in the clips of Ventresca's telling how she broke free from the grips of her transgressor, her choice to wear black subtly flaunts her authority, self-control, and self-protection. The plot of Ventresca's "Sinner" gets across so efficiently but in a way that no detail gets overlooked in its portrayal.

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