Genre Defying Duo Vivid Shade Unleash Their New Visual "We Will Destroy You"

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Based in Singapore, Vivid Shade is a genre defying duo who independently write, record, and produce their music in their small home studio. Led by 17-year-old singer-songwriter ZoeJoey, Vivid Shade explores the darker side of humanity and social issues, and warps them into songs about robots, dystopian futures, toxic relationships, and tyrannical leaders. Each song is stylistically different from the last, as they create musical worlds that fit with the message that they are trying to convey.

The duo has just released the music video for their single “We Will Destroy You”, which appears on their 5-track debut EP “Clickbait”. Directed by ZoeJoey, and with videography by @WolfBoyTroy and @BryanShawFilms, “We Will Destroy You” is simply put, incredible. It’s basically three music videos blended into one, bringing the song to life and going from sunny beaches to the darkest of dark really quick. I will never look at cherries the same again lol

Speaking about this new release, Vivid Shade says, “I wrote this song and made this video for every young girl, LGBTQI+, POC, and anyone else who feels that they are constantly forced into a box by society and refuse to be oppressed or terrorized by the powers that be”.

Prepare to be blown away by Vivid Shade’s DOPE new music video “We Will Destroy You” right now, then go stream it, as well as the “Clickbait” EP on Spotify, and connect with them on their website and social media. Also, be on the lookout for our upcoming exclusive interview with Vivid Shade.

Stream and Share “We Will Destroy You” on Spotify

Stream and Share “Clickbait” on Spotify

Connect with Vivid Shade: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


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