Listen to "Call the Boys" by Minneapolis Rock Band XIII Arrows

If you like AC/DC, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, or The Rolling Stones, then you are in for a treat. XIII Arrows is an awesome rock band from Minneapolis and we’ve got their song and video “Call the Boys” ready to share with you.

In the band’s own words, “We strive to showcase rock and roll in its' raw, authentic, and genuine form”. Judging from “Call the Boys” and their last video “Waiting” (watch HERE), XIII Arrows is doing a great job showcasing what rock and roll can and should be in 2018.

Listen to “Call the Boys” below and watch the song’s visuals HERE. Also, be sure to connect with the band on Facebook to stay up to date on all things “XIII Arrows”.

Stream and Share “Call the Boys” and other great rock songs on our Music Discovery: Rock Spotify Playlist

Connect with XIII Arrows: Facebook