Stream "Voxcore", the Self-Titled, Debut Album by Voxcore

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Voxcore is the first released music from artist Patrick Hansford. Coming from Columbus Ohio, Voxcore aims to bridge the gap between listener and creator. Heavy influenced by artist like Daft Punk, Kavinsky, and Odessza, Voxcore’s debut album, self titled “Voxcore”, consist of nine tracks telling a digital narrative from creation to completion.

Speaking about his new music, Voxcore says “In the world today, so many of us are hyper focused on what's being said and the specific lyrics in songs. I wanted to create an album that focused more on the way the music made you feel and the experience you had. My hope is that everyone can take 30 minutes to experience the digital story of Voxcore, it represents all of us and the struggles we share. Many People, One Voice.”

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Prepare to be amazed by the debut album “Voxcore” below, connect with Voxcore on his website and social media, and be on the lookout for our exclusive interview and album review coming soon.

Connect with Voxcore: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube


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