Stream "201", the Self-Titled New EP by Tampa, FL Based RnB Artist 201

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201 is an independent RnB artist from Baltimore who currently resides in Tampa, FL. His self titled, debut EP has just been released.

With his latest project, 201 is changing the landscape of RnB while bringing back the 90's chill vibe that our culture seems to have left behind. This project brings its audience the best of both worlds with some hip-hop sounds and RnB flavor.

201 was able to express his life through his writing while also making one of the best RnB projects of the year! 201's sound is one of a kind; no other artist is making music quite like him. 201 strives to create music that pushes the envelope while making sure to foster a sound that people love and want to keep listening to.

Music has always been a passion for 201 and he is beyond grateful to share this EP with the world. Simply put, the "201" EP is quality rhythm and blues music for all fans to enjoy.

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Listen to the “201” EP right now, connect with 201 on his Twitter and IG, and be on the lookout for our exclusive interview with him coming very soon!

Stream and Share “201” on Apple Music

Connect with 201: Instagram | Twitter


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