All The Roadhouse Songs From Twin Peaks: The Return, Ranked

 Image Credited: GOT PAP

 Image Credited: GOT PAP

David Lynch’s work has always had intimate ties to the music he chooses, perhaps never more so than in Twin Peaks: The Return. 

There were a lot of memorable Roadhouse scenes in this season, but we decided to rank all of the songs.

14. Nine Inch Nails – “She’s Gone Away”

The song perfectly fits Episode 8, but it’s an extremely uncomfortable episode and it’s not an enjoyable listen. 

13. Lissie – “Wild West”

This track fits the feel of Twin Peaks least of all the tracks introduced on the show.

12. The Veils – “Axolotl”

Stylistically interesting, melodically abrasive.

11. Au Revoir Simone – “Lark”

Au Revoir Simone had two tracks in Twin Peaks: The Return, and this is the weaker of the two, but it’s still a solid offering.

10. Chromatics – “Saturday”

Romantic, this track might have fit just as well into Black Mirror’s San Junipero as it did into Twin Peaks.

9. James Hurley – “Just You and I”

Everything is just echoey enough, just slightly off enough, that it makes this song sound like a slow dance from a parallel universe.

8. Eddie Vedder – “Out of Sand”

Intimate, featuring a nice syncopated vocal/rhythm stutter-step in the verses, this could easily be the last song of an epic Pearl Jam live set.

7. Sharon Van Etten – “Tarifa”

Van Etten’s voice is always distinctive. This track takes a while to get going, but it’s worth the wait.

6. Chromatics – “Shadow”

Otherworldly, beautiful, this track is perfect for pairing with Lynch. The synth and vocals are pure dream pop perfection.

5. Trouble – “Snake Eyes”

If the Roadhouse had an anthem, this dirty, dissonant track would be it.

4. Julee Cruise – “The World Spins”

Julee Cruise is the sound of Twin Peaks, plain and simple. Everything else emanates from her haunting voice.

3. The Cactus Blossoms – “Mississippi”

From the opening drums to the thumping upright bass, the spaghetti-western guitar tone, and the incredible vocal harmonies, this track is infectious. 

2. Au Revoir Simone – “A Violent Yet Flammable World”

The chorus harmonies are a marvel and the interwoven keyboard/synth parts are perfect, and when all the vocals start to spin around each other, you spin with them.

1. Rebekah del Rio – “No Stars”

The amount of passion in del Rio’s vocals can’t be measured, it can only be admired.


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