Interview: Northern California Based Rock Artist Tango Talks About His New Single "Days Gone By"

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We connected with Northern California based songwriter and musician Tango aka Reid Murray for an exclusive interview to discuss his new song “Days Gone By”. Tango also releases instrumental music under the moniker ChromaTone, so during our conversation we discusses that, as well as how his travels have inspired his music, and his goals for the remainder of 2020.

After reading our Q&A with Tango, be sure to connect with him on his website and social media. Also, check some more of Tango’s great music on Spotify below.

Congratulations on the release of your song "Days Gone By"; describe for us your creative process for the development of the song from start to finish.

Thank you. Writing “Days Gone By” started with the chorus melody. It was the first thing that came through to me. I had the rough chorus melody recorded one day while in my Long Beach garage studio. I didn’t work on it straight away because I was finishing my first EP at the time and then I ended up traveling to Europe for a music venture playing drums in another band. It wasn’t until I returned to California and moved back to my hometown of Ukiah that I developed the song further with verses.

Then while housesitting a friend’s place, I got to develop and record the vocals. I also wanted to get a synthesizer for a good year or two at this point and finally picked up a Yamaha DX7, which I incorporated into the bridge with a synth solo. For some reason most of the ideas I had seemed to fit and work in this song so I was pleased with that. I was able to have synths, dynamic drums, and sharp electric guitars work together for a portion of the song.

You also release instrumental music under the moniker ChromaTone; when creating new music, how do you decide whether what you are working on will end up being a Tango song vs ChromaTone song?

It’s a vibe I get once I come up with some kind of riff or melody. The instrumentals seem to be more keyboard/synth based and a desire to create a beat or a bass line idea. In the end I really want there to be no difference between the two, everything just laying under one umbrella.

You've mentioned that traveling is a big inspiration for you; where has been your favorite destination to travel to?

To date I’d have to say that Berlin, Germany is one of my favorite spots on the globe. It’s a wonderful city for creativity, freedom, love, and adventure. I intend to spend extended time there at some point in my life where I can just be writing new music in a flat in my favorite part of town, playing shows throughout Europe.

Following up on the last question, would you say that the destinations you have traveled to inspire your music at all?

Yes, traveling and the cities I have visited have certainly inspired my music. From the friends I’ve made, instant crushes, ancient vibes, unique geographies; they all play a hand in my lyricism, ideas, or sentiments I wish to express in a song.

With "Days Gone By" now released, what are some of your goals musically for the rest of this year?

Performing live with a new band, which is halfway put together, and releasing songs that I have wrapped up are a big goal for this year.

I joined my friend's music collective Midwest Coast Records, based in Ohio and I'd like to see that get traction. There's some talent in that roster and we want to do a showcase of all the artists where we come together for a show, despite not being based in the same city.

I'm coming from a different place now than when I began writing actual songs like 5 years ago so ultimately my goal is to be performing songs that I’m currently writing, which have been heading in a groovier, funkier direction than my starting point.

Connect with Tango: Website | Facebook | Instagram