Interview: Detroit Based RnB Artist And Producer Bam Richie

Bam Richie is a Detroit based RnB artist and producer who just released his self-titled EP and the first single "SuperWoman". We connected with multi-talented singer-songwriter to discuss the new EP, "SuperWoman" visual, what he enjoys most about being an artist, and much more.

You did a great job with your first single and new visual "SuperWoman". How did this song come about and who produced it? Also, who directed the video and who is the leading lady?

Thank you! I moved to Orlando in 2008 to attend Full Sail University. While in college I met my wife. At the time we were just two kids in love having fun with life. We had our first child in 2009 and our second child in 2011. Having children young was not easy and we struggled for a while, but she never left and always had my back. She blessed me with two beautiful girls and motivated me to stay focus. 7 - 8 years later we're in a much better place and I realized if it wasn't for her being by my side I wouldn't have made it. So in a way she saved me, she is my SuperWoman!

I produced this track and my whole EP! I'm not a religious guy but I do believe in God, and one day I asked my FB followers for recommendation for videographers. I must've gotten at least 20 replies. Like I said I believe in God and he led me to this one guy named Reggie B ( IG: @aguynamereggieb ). He didn't have much work for me to see but something told me he was the one to bring my vision to life, and I was right! 

:-)... That's my homie Lisa! I actually met her on my birthday two years ago. She jokes and says she was my gift from God lol. We had a lot in common and been really cool ever since. I told her a while ago when I shoot my 1st video I want you in it, and when it came time she looked out for me! 

What do you enjoy most about being an artist and songwriter? What about the most frustrating thing(s)?

The thing I like most about being an artist/ songwriter is it allows me to escape reality. When I was younger I loved writing short stories and as I got older and experienced life I would write songs about what I've been through. It was almost like my therapy. 

I put my heart & soul and so much time into my music and sometimes it feels like it's all done in vain. So that's the most frustrating thing. 

How did you end up with the nickname "Mr. Song A Day"? 

Going to Full Sail it's hard to have a life outside of music. We attend class almost 10 hrs a day and your surrounded by people that share your passion. On my 1st day of school they gave me an apple labtop and the DAW Logic. I bought a microphone and monitor speakers from Guitar Center and I had my own studio at my apartment. Before attending Full Sail my life was moving at a fast pace. I was always in the streets with no time to think. Now that I was away from my environment my life slowed down and it gave me time to reflect and I put it all in my music. I would come home from class everyday, smoke a few L's with my roommate and get right in my zone. Making beats always came easy to me and writing about my life was simple and like I said  therapeutic. Plus I was in school for music engineering so it was the perfect situation. I would literally record a song a day, bring it to class the next day and pass out to my classmates. After a while they started calling me Mr. Songaday lol. 

Tell us about your experience at Full Sail Univ. in Florida. What was the most important thing you learned while in the Recording Arts Program?

Full Sail changed my life, and not so much by what I learned in class but the whole experience itself. A month or two leading up to me attending Full Sail I was facing a drug charge. Where I come from hustling is like second nature everybody does it. My parents didn't like the route my life was going so they gave me an option. Get out their house and move to the streets or attend school for music in Florida. At the time I wasn't taking my music serious but faced with those two options I easily choose sunny skies and good weather. I didn't know much about Full Sail but I always had a passion for music. Attending Full Sail taught me responsibility and allowed me to focus on my passion. 

Can you let us in on some information about your EP? What's the name of the project and where is it available for stream/download?

My first EP is self entitled "Bam Richie", that's my way of introducing myself to the industry. There are 6 original tracks, I produced and mastered myself. The EP is basically a emotional roller coaster ride, my stories of love and heartbreak. Bam Richie the EP actually dropped 8/10 on DatPiff, here's the link: || This EP is just the beginning, I have so much to offer to the culture and I'm excited to see where my talents take me! 

Thanks again for the interview! I appreciate everything you all do for unsigned artist and the culture of music in general!

Connect with Bam Richie: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook


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