Interview: Bay Area, CA Artist/Producer Lance Houck Talks About His New Album "Unborn"

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I can get inspired by anything really...I may hear something in the soundtrack I like and then tweak and change it to be my own. Many of my songs have begun in that fashion.
— Lance Houck

Congratulations on the completion and release of your new album "Unborn". Tell us about your creative process for this project's seven songs.

Sometimes my songs will start off as brand new songs and sometimes they will evolve from a huge back catalog I have going back to 1998. In this case, I dipped in there to rework some songs. For example, "Learn to Let Go" was originally called "Feed On" and was written in '98 when I was only 14. And now I have reworked the lyrics to give it new life.

Most of my lyrics were horrible back then. I usually have all my songs written and then I will record demos of them on my phone. Once I feel confident in the process, I move everything to my digital studio. It's super archaic, but does the job for me. From there, I lay down my guitars, bass, drums, and vocal. Then I mix and master and viola... a new song is born.

My personal favorite of this batch was "All the Reasons". The lyrics felt personal to me and the music became almost spiritual the further I dove into the track.

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From a sonic and thematic perspective, how would you compare the "Unborn" album to your last album release?

My last album was "Covid Chaos Blues" and it was very much a Blues/Rock album inspired by Zeppelin, Floyd, and Albert King. So right off the bat, the complete feel is different.

"Unborn" has a much more Alternative Rock feel to it, whereas the previous album has a much more Jam Band sound with minimal lyrics. Plus, "Covid Chaos Blues" is harder with more distorted guitars and harder hitting vocals.

What are some things that inspire your creativity when you are developing new music?

I can get inspired by anything really. I recently released a Christmas EP called "Christmas Time" and one of the tracks was inspired by something I heard in a Christmas Hallmark movie. Really a lot of my ideas start from something I'm watching. And I may hear something in the soundtrack I like and then tweak and change it to be my own. Many of my songs have begun in that fashion.

At what point did you realize that you had a talent for songwriting and production, and that you should take your musical aspirations to the next level?

Probably since I was ten. Since the beginning. It's what I have always loved, and even back then I would surprise people (and myself) by coming up with catchy little hooks. But it has always been a challenge as well. I have been gigging for many years, and have recorded over 400 songs since 1998. Actually, I've probably recorded 300, just since 2008, when I got the digital recorder I still use today. That being said, nothing big has ever really happened (with the exception of my song on The Tonight Show), but I keep working at it because it's what I am passionate about, and even through all these years I still feel I have something to say... even if it's as simple as "I love you with all my heart".

Tell us what some of your goals are musically for this new year, and what will you need to do to achieve them.

I hope to have some songs licensed in film or television. Or really any media situation. I'm not looking to have songs on the Hot 100 or anything (though I'm obviously not opposed), but I would love to be able to make a living by having my songs licensed.

I just finished a Christmas EP which I hope to pitch to various companies, and I am working on a concept album about machines taking over our government which (in my opinion) I think could be my best work yet.

Stream and Share “Unborn” on: Spotify | Apple Music | Bandcamp

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