Ekelle's exclusive interview with Toronto rap artist Maizy F

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Toronto rapper Maizy F. I was so excited to talk to her because of all the great work she’s been doing for the Toronto Hip Hop scene, especially in terms of the female rapper population. When most people from out of the country hear the term female Toronto rapper I’m sure that not many names come to mind other than Michee Mee, Honey Cocaine and a few others on their way to commercial success. Maizy F is definitely a name to know not only because of her obvious musical talents, but because of her other endeavors as well such as producing beats and now it seems producing for television.  Perhaps the better word to use for Maizy F is artist or Jill of all trades as she calls herself on her very well organized website (maizyfmf.com) as opposed to just another rapper. Maizy F actually invited me to take a part in something called the 6ix Female Cypher and as I waited for her to set up in her home studio my inner journalist came out and I couldn’t help but ask her a slew of questions.


So what exactly made you want to start these female cyphers? I’ve seen a few from different parts of the world on YouTube, what’s so different about this Toronto one that you’ve started up?

We have some really talented females in the city and I wanted to showcase that in an entertaining way. I produce the beats myself because I strongly believe in originality. I also believe in unity and I think holding cyphers like these help to build and strengthen the female hip hop scene.  

I was impressed to see that you make the beats for the cyphers, how long have you been involved in the music industry and in what capacity?

I grew up playing the piano, drums and trombone. When I was in high school I started to dab in the beat making department. Mixcraft was the program and my computer keyboard was my instrument. It wasn’t until a few years ago I really started to take it seriously. I wanted to create my own sound my own realm so I began to produce my own songs. Later I got the opportunity to compose the theme song and background music for a TV show called HottTv which airs 5 days a week on RogersTv ch.10 & 63. 

At this point in your career what would you say is the most successful moment that you’ve had? Also, how do you define success?

If you’ve found your purpose in life then your half where there…success is about getting her done. I’m in the process of that right now… getting her done! I’ve had successful moments in my life but once I reach one goal another appears before my reach. I’m in robotic mode right now so I don’t even feel I just do. 

I see that you’ve recently been nominated for an award, can you tell us more about that?

I was nominated alongside artists like Maestro and Moka Only for best rap single for the 2015 Canadian Urban Television Awards. I also got nominated for best LGBT rapper and music producer for the Rainbow Rendezvous Awards. I ended up winning the best LGBT music producer. It feels great to be recognized for my work. 

What would you say is the hardest thing about trying to make a name for yourself in our city?

I live in Toronto better known as the screwface cap… crab in a bucket city. I always stay original and when you make your own sound and own path it can be hard for people to just jump on and see your vision. I’m starting from scratch and that in itself is tough.

**Side Note** Toronto is known as the screwface capital because of the lack of support that can be found amongst your peers when you are trying to succeed, particularly in fashion and the arts.

So what’s next for Maizy F? What can we expect from you in 2016?

Big things! Lol no really though… I’m producing and performing and doing a bunch of collabs and interviews radio, TV, magazines all that. I’m just trying to be seen as much possible. I want people to know my face and name so 2016 the plan is to be outcheaaa.      

The third installment of the 6ix Female Cypher series was filmed early March. Details about its TV premier and video will be available soon. In the meantime you can catch clips from the latest installment as well as the videos for cyphers 1 and 2 on Maizy F’s website.

Connect with Maizy F: Website   Facebook   Twitter   Instagram   YouTube


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