It's a Beef Thing: Drake & Meek Mill

So there’s a new beef going on in the rap community that started last week. No surprise there! This one is between Meek Mill and Drake. Meek suddenly lashed out on Twitter claiming that the Toronto rapper doesn’t write his own lyrics and has a ghost writer! I must admit that this isn’t the first time I heard rumors about Drake having a ghost writer; the first was actually last summer. As we know, the music industry is very tricky to navigate if you don’t have any connections and only the persistent, smart and lucky people make it to the top. There are countless artists, writers and producers out there trying to get that big break but nothing is guaranteed. Most people get their start helping out someone else. In the previous situation with Drake it was alleged that female Toronto artist Shi Wisdom wrote many of his songs and was not being credited. Most of the kafuffle with that was just media sensationalizing as Shi Wisdom has written with Drake before and has been paid her due diligence. I’m not surprised that Drake and basically every major artist has a team that helps them put everything together. Take a second and think about the rate that Drake puts out his music; there is no way he’s the only one behind the machine and there’s nothing wrong with that. Between TV appearances, shooting music videos, tours, a daily schedule and actually having a life, who would actually have the time to be constantly writing music? Anyone at the mega star level like Drake is too busy to write all of their music 24-7. Meek Mill isn’t at that point yet so I strongly believe that he’s just jealous of the seemingly effortless success that Drake has been having. If Meek actually writes all of his material as he says, that’s because he’s still in the early stages of his career and has the spare time on his hands. Let’s think about the reasons why Meek Mill would want to lash out at the boy, huh?

1. Drake and Nicki Minaj are real close: I think we’ve all heard of the suspected secret relationship that Nicki and Drake supposedly had at some point. We’ve heard Drake say he’d marry her in his song lyrics and let’s not forget about that nice lap dance he got in the infamous “Anaconda” video. Now that Mr. Mill is dating Ms. Minaj, he’s been taking shots as her ex, Safaree Samuel and now Drake.

2. Drake didn’t promote Meek’s Album on Twitter: This is probably where the initial shock for Meek came from. He has admitted to being angry that Drake didn’t promote the album which spawned this tweet: "Stop comparing drake to me too.... He don't write his own raps! That's why he ain't tweet my album because we found out," Yes Drake is on a verse, but he’s not a marketing team… Is it really his job to promote for another artist for free?

3.Who the chuck is Meek Mill anyway? Meek Mill is new to the game in my opinion and I can’t really think of that one big track he has. Personally I had to listen to a few of his tracks before I actually recognized one as something I heard before. The one I finally recognized was “Amen”. Drake is more relatable as an artist and has really earned what he has. I’m not saying that Meek can’t get up there one day, but I really think this beef situation is purely for publicity. 

So what if Drake doesn’t write all of his music? Does Beyonce? Does Lady Gaga? Does Rick Ross? Who cares? What matters is that Drake and his team produce great music that a lot people can understand. It’s not about who writes the music; it’s about how it makes the fans feel. Meek Mill has some catchy stuff, but it doesn’t appeal to the masses like Team Drake does. And no, I’m not on Team Drake just because I’m from Toronto. I actually wasn’t really impressed with Drake’s diss track “Charged Up”. There was no reason for that song to be almost 6 minutes long. I found it a little repetitive and it was probably rushed out in the heat of the moment. One day Meek Mill will get to that mega star level too and I seriously doubt that he’ll be writing all of his own music like he supposedly does now. Personally if someone came up to me and said, “Hey babygirl, I wrote you this bomb ass song!” I’d be thrilled and I would share that information with everyone to show that I was thankful. I only wonder when this starts to happen for Meek Mill if he’s still going to play that “sole songwriter” card or will he be honest to his fans, because apparently he doesn’t like to lie to them.  - Asha Mullings


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