Interview: Maryland Based Singer-Songwriter Wan Discusses His New Album "Hidden Glitter"

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We connected with Eldersburg, Maryland based singer-songwriter Wan for an exclusive interview to discuss his brand new album “Hidden Glitter”. We also got to pick Wan’s brain about how this project differs from his last release “Love Me Forever", which artist he would pick for a guest feature on a song from “Hidden Glitter”, and much more.

After reading our Q&A with Wan, be sure to connect with him on Instagram, stream “Hidden Glitter” on Spotify and check some more of his great music.

We are totally blown away by your new album “Hidden Glitter”; congratulations on its completion and release. What was your creative process for its development and how long did it take to finish?

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Thank you appreciate that. My creative process for it was just going in with an open mind. Don't go in having any concepts, just construct the beat first then put words to it. I did want to get more personal with this record though. Diving deeper into my life and everyday issues. I also had a friend help me compose some of the lyrics for these records. Jay was awesome and came with some eclectic content.

I also decided not to be on any social media during the process of the record. I didn't want any outside influences on this project. I would say it took me about two months to finish the project. I think I just knew what sounds I was looking for and stayed focused. The record would have been finished earlier if I didn't have to work.

What does the album’s title “Hidden Glitter” represent?

I would say the record represents someone who has a hidden talent that the world hasn't seen just yet. I think the glitter part is the sparkling euphoria that the music holds. So pretty much-hidden talent haha.

Was the album self produced? If not, who contributed to it?

For the most part, I did construct the album and arrange it. I did have help with mixing and mastering and a couple of additions to the project. My buddy Zach helped master the project and added elements to complete the album.

If you had to select one song from the album to feature your favorite artist on, which song would it be and which artist would you pick?

I would have to say “Best Boots” and add Miguel. Miguel’s voice would be perfect over that dreamy track.

In what ways would you say that “Hidden Glitter” is different than your last project “Love Me Forever”?

I would say from the sonic standpoint it's more chill and nostalgic. “Love Me Forever” was way more uptempo and alternative rockish. I like to create something new each time I make a record. Also with this project, I got more personal and felt vulnerable haha. I would also say that the production has improved from LMF. Also, my songwriting abilities have improved. Lastly, this is the first time I had outside help on a project.

Stream and Share “Hidden Glitter”

Connect with Wan: Instagram