Interview: Baltimore Pop Singer-Songwriter Violette Talks About Her Debut Single "Lose My Head"

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I’ve always told my own stories as a musician, but there’s something so freeing about having agency over what I’m making without having to speak for others
— Violette

Congratulations on the release of your debut single "Lose My Head"; tell us about how the song came about and how you connected with the producers, Maika Maile and Chris Kamrada.

Thank you so much! "Lose My Head" started as this housey, 4 on the floor drum and bass loop I built out on Logic. I wrote the hook ("when I lose my head/when I lose my") and knew I wanted to tell a story of obsession gone too far and that feeling of possessiveness. When I went to Orlando to record, it was the song I really wanted to dive in on.

I've been working with Maika and Chris for a while now in past projects and knew they were the team that could help me bring the song to life.

Would you say that transitioning from being the front woman for a band to a solo artist has affected the way you tell a story through your songwriting?

I've always told my own stories as a musician, but there's something so freeing about having agency over what I'm making without having to speak for others. I've always been in bands and had that group of people to fall back on or hide behind if I needed. I've never felt more vulnerable while making music, but I've really been enjoying the process of discovering that feeling and letting myself go, even when it's not so easy.

Can we expect a visual to accompany this great song and will it be featured on an upcoming EP or album?

I don't have a specific visual coming out for "Lose My Head" but I am releasing singles from my first EP throughout the summer. I have some things up my sleeves visually, including some live performance videos once the world gets back to some form of normal.

When it comes to developing new music, how would you describe your creative process when songwriting and in the studio for recording?

My writing process is all over the place. Sometimes I can sit with a guitar and flesh out a song in an afternoon, other times I build instrumentals and sit with a verse for a while before finishing it. I'll then take a group of songs and ideas to the team, we'll listen to them, and see which ones get us the most excited, dive in to those, and see what happens.

With the single now released, what are some of your goals musically for the rest of 2020?

This year is about introducing myself to the world with my EP. I'm always writing and working on new music, so I'm hoping to record my second EP over the summer. I'd love to be able to consistently put out music for the rest of the year and hopefully get on-stage before 2021!

Stream and Share “Lose My Head” on”: YouTube | Soundcloud

Connect with Violette: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook